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身体刺穿?Body piercing?

她穿了个鼻环。She has a nose piercing.

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这一秒。哭得撕心裂肺。This seconds. Piercing cry.

那笑容、我撕心裂肺的痛。That smile, my piercing pain.

他已刺入蓝蓝灰色眼睛。He has piercing bluish grey eyes.

而且这是一个非常有吸引力的穿洞…And it is a very attractive piercing.

仙龙现为穿刺伤害了。Faerie Dragons now do piercing damage.

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他双目炯炯有神。He has a pair of bright piercing eyes.

那刺耳的尖叫把她吓得毛骨悚然。The piercing scream curdled her blood.

我们从不会后悔打了耳洞。We 'll never regret piercing our ears.

火眼金睛也看不出你的虚伪。Piercing eye cannot see your hypocrisy.

暗夜里我看见一线光刺破天空。In the dark I see a ray piercing the sky.

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哪怕胸口对着带血的刺刀!Even with bloody bayonet piercing my heart

街上的寒风刺骨的痛。The pain of piercing winds in the streets.

没有被“捅破”非常明确的高点。Very clear highs without being "piercing".

夜之锐眼直透内心。Night's piercing eye peers into every heart.

这是遵义最有特征地穿洞。This is the most distinctive piercing Zunyi.

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春风成剑,剑做龙吟。Piercing spring wind becomes the ringing sword!

怎么样,我的大名如雷贯耳吧!How, my name like a thunderclap piercing the ear!

他必须头脑清醒,目光炯炯有神。He must remain sober-minded, bright and piercing eyes.