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按摩器电源。Massage Power.

按摩的力最。Massage strength.

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这里是按摩室吗?Is this the massage room?

或许去按摩一下后背。Maybe have a back massage.

减缓压力和按摩。Counterpressure and massage.

请问需不需要按摩服务?Hi Sir, do you want massage?

欢迎您来我们的按摩室。Welcome to our massage room.

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你有试那个蛇的按摩不?Did you try the snake massage?

你试过那个蛇按摩吗?Did you try the snake massage ?

我想做个足部按摩。I want to have a foot massage.

按摩放松了疲劳的肌肉。A massage relaxed tired muscles.

按摩你的颈部和肩膀。Massage your neck and shoulders.

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你问,只是足底按摩?You ask, Just for a foot massage?

我可以带您去按摩房吗?May I show you to the massage room?

您能为我做足部按摩吗?Can you do some massage for my feet?

我将用足部按摩法给您治疗。I'll treat you with massage on foot.

从头到脚按摩着你的身体。Massage your body from head to feet.

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您还可以享受指压按摩。You can also enjoy a Shiatsu massage.

就在那儿按摩那些肉吧?That's where you massage the meat, rit?

去做做推拿或者泡泡温泉,犒劳一下自己。Treat yourself to a massage or spa day.