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来一道油浸鲳鱼如何?这是今天主厨的推荐菜。Pomfret in Oil, the Chef's Recommendation for today.

现在我们非常急切地寻找“银鲳”。Now we are looking for "silver pomfret" very eagerly.

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我们经常吃的咸水鱼有石斑鱼,红衫鱼和仓鱼。The salt-water fish we usually eat are Grouper, Golden thread and Pomfret.

我昏昏沉沉的,以至无法跟从她,便回到自己的房间,炸了鲳鱼做早餐。Too dazed to follow her, I returned to my room and had fried pomfret for breakfast.

丽雅-庞弗雷特及罗文-米勒展示了他们如何使用用“解决方案工具包”来解决冲突。Liya Pomfret and Rowan Miller demonstrate how they use the "solutions kit" to resolve conflicts.

丽雅·庞弗雷特及罗文·米勒展示了他们如何使用“解决方案工具包”来解决冲突。Liya Pomfret and Rowan Miller demonstrate how they use the "solutions kit" to resolve conflicts.

主料银鲳腌渍味,拍上干淀粉制成菜,蘸花椒盐进食。Ingredients silver pomfret pickled flavor, making the dry starch vegetables, flowers Salt and pepper dip eating.

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鱼肉质嫩滑,要选择鱼身有光泽的,用作蒸或炸均合适。Meat of pomfret is very tender, good for steaming or deep fry. The ones with shiny scales are fresher and taste better.

本文研究了东海银鲳个体生殖力的分布以及个体生殖力与各体征指标的关系。Based on the specimens of silver pomfret collected from the East China Sea, the biometic data were obtained and the study of individual fecundity was studied.

公司主要经营黄鱼、带鱼、鲳鱼、海鳗、马鲛鱼、墨鱼、刀鱼、金钩虾、对虾、海蜇、梭子鱼、安康鱼等几十种海产冷冻加工品。We manege yellow-fin tuna , ribbon fish , pomfret , sea ell , sierra fish , cuttle fish , saury , prawn , shrimp , pike , anglerfish etc. several tens of variety sea freezing product.