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他们立一个孤儿为继承人。They adopted an orphan as an heir.

我是孤儿,我住在本顿维尔。I'm an orphan. I live in Pentonville.

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她对那个孤儿倾注了无尽的爱。She lavished affection on the orphan.

我们可以领养一个孤儿,或将孩子给人收养。We may keep an orphan or adopt it out.

赵氏孤儿可不可以不复仇?。Can Zhaoshi Orphan Do Without Vengeance?

我的叔叔是个福斯塔夫式的人物。He was an orphan and lived with his uncle.

他们唯一的保姆是一个小孤儿。Their only servant was a young orphan girl.

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张钧甯在片中饰演来自孤儿院的孤儿。Ning Chang acted as a orphan from orphanage.

瓦利斯更喜欢孤儿和年轻女孩。Varys preferred orphan boys and young girls.

一个没有小组的基督徒就是一个孤儿。Christian without a small group is an orphan.

那孤儿托给她叔父照料。The orphan was consigned to her uncle's care.

一个没有小组的基督徒就是一个孤儿。A Christian without a small group is an orphan.

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这位仁慈的老奶奶对每个孤儿都很怜惜。The kind grandma shows her mercy on every orphan.

那个孩子总是穿得破破烂烂,就像个孤儿似的。The kid is always in rags, as if he were an orphan.

这个孤儿穿着破旧的衣服,无处可去。The orphan wore shabby clothes and had nowhere to go.

刘大姐正忙于替一位孤儿做衣服。Sister Liu is engaged in making clothes for an orphan.

孤儿姬永芬的家是泥土造的。This is orphan Ji Yongfen's house, which is built with mud.

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她成了孤儿,一位贫农妇女收养了她。She was left an orphan and a poor peasant woman adopted her.

另一方面,美国国会也能解决孤儿书的问题。Congress, meanwhile, can resolve the problem of orphan books.

在第1005542号簇上检测到丢失的交叉连接。Lost chain cross-linked at cluster 1005542. Orphan truncated.