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氧化物阴极的逸出功分布比钡钨阴极更不均匀。The IDC has a more uniform work function distribution than an oxide cathode.

所以IDC认为很多数据中心将被整合而且迎来一次彻底改变。So IDC thinks that many data centres will be consolidated and given a big makeover.

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没收钱的IDC是让其折磨左也骗子,右也垃圾。The IDC that confiscates money is to let its torment Zun Ye cheater, right also rubbish.

各种国内外IDC信息专区,主机,域名,空间等信息。IDC information area of domestic and foreign, host, domain, spaces and other information.

除了给IDC行业带来一次诚信危机外,也再次向业界发出拷问。Besides bringing sincere letter crisis to IDC industry, also give out to industry again torturous.

为什么现在IDC市场那么难做,为什么很多人感觉IDC商十个有九个是骗子?Why is so difficult to IDC market, why many people feel that nine out of ten business IDC is cheater?

2008年财政年,与此同时,启动了新兴技术咨询服务计划的前两个重要项目。As IDC kicks off its 2008 financial year in October, the first two key practices under ETAS are launched.

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IDC又称,惠普在美国市场从戴尔手中夺回头把交椅,戴尔自1999年以来一直居于美国市场首位.HP also claimed the top spot in the U.S. market from Dell, which had held that position since 1999, IDC said.

公司援引IDC的数据表明到2011年底,WP7智能手机的总销量将达到3千万台。The company endorsed IDC data that showed it shipping a total of 30 million WP7 smartphones by the end of 2011.

根据研究公司IDC的数据,惠普和戴尔目前分别是中国PC市场第二和第三大品牌。HP and Dell are now the second- and third-largest PC brands in China, respectively, according to research firm IDC.

经查,私服服务器位置在吉林市网通公司IDC机房。Through investigation, it was found the illegal server was located in the IDC machine room of Jilin Telecom Company.

据IDC称,今年第二季度,在中国销售的1,170万台个人电脑中,苹果仅占约3.6万台。In the second quarter, Apple sold only about 36, 000 units out of 11.7 million PCs shipped in China, according to IDC.

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已添加到现有的IDC范围的新的双行艾奇连接器12,14和16的位置的连接器。The new dual row Archer connectors that have been added to the existing IDC range are 12, 14 and 16 position connectors.

在此之前,作为研发工程师和项目管理人员,他还曾就职于多家国内知名IT企业。He has also worked for other leading IT companies in China as a R&D engineer and project manager before joining IDC in China.

市场研究机构IDC介绍,中国在今年第二季度超过美国成为全球最大的个人电脑市场。China in the second quarter surpassed the U.S. to become the world’s biggest PC market, according to market research firm IDC.

据IDC称,IBM加上Sun将占据约百分之四十二的服务器市场。IBM would have roughly 42 percent of the server market with Sun, according to IDC. HP, however, would be second wind 29.5 percent.

据IDC说,来自公共云计算服务的全球收入将以5倍于传统IT的速率成长。Global revenue from public cloud computing services is expected to grow at five times the rate of traditional IT, according to IDC.

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链接IDC只要按序一次完成4步链接过程,不管你符合IDC链接要求的产品有多少!Registering for IDC is a 4-step process that you only need to set-up one time, no matter how many IDC-enabled instruments you have.

电力系统采用高压双路供电,拥有自主产权的两台1000KVA变压器向IDC供电。Power systems using dual high-voltage power supply, with independent property rights 1000KVA two power supply transformers to the IDC.

IDC拥有开发和执行完善整合的行销活动能力,来确保高品��的会议与参加者。IDC has the knowledge and ability to develop and implement an integrated marketing campaign to ensure the delivery of a quality audience.