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我的出版商也是如此。As does my publisher.

它没有被出版商丢到一边。It was not dropped by the publisher.

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华星娱乐有限公司,歌曲提供。People Music Limited, sub publisher.

它们是幽灵,”一位出版人说。They're ghosts," said one publisher.

你并不需要钱以成为一名出书人。You don't need money to be a publisher.

出版社「集英社」的官方网站。Official website of publisher "Shueisha".

托妮·莫里森多年的出版商。The long-time publisher of Toni Morrison.

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它是一个新闻机构以及发布者。It is a news organization and a publisher.

出版社「白泉社」的官方网站。Official website of publisher "Hakusensha".

出版社「小学馆」的官方网站。Official website of publisher "Shogakukan".

目前,杨雅晴仍在寻找书的出版商。Yang is still looking for a book publisher.

出版社「秋田书店」的官方网站。Official website of publisher "Akitashoten".

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他为一名杂志出版社自由撰稿。He freelanced pieces to a magazine publisher.

出版商侵犯了作者的权利。The publisher impinged on the author's rights.

然而,此书的发行人做得更绝。The publisher of the book went further though.

出版社「角川书店」的官方网站。Official website of publisher "Kadokawashoten".

现在,每个企业都是一个多渠道发行商。Every business is a multi-channel publisher now.

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他为一位杂志出版社自在撰稿。电脑城。He freelexcellentced pieces to a novel publisher.

我是自由职业者,按小时计酬。I freelanced the article to a magazine publisher.

我这份版权转让书是转让给杂志社还是出版社啊?Is it important whether it is publisher or journal?