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我们房子的二层有三间卧室。Our house has three bedrooms ont eh second storey.

在山西省,典型的住房是两层和一层半。In Shansi province two storey and one and a half storey houses are typical.

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为什么你会请竞争者,谁会和你唱对台戏直接销售呢?Why would you invite competitors who sell directly against you in your storey?

结果地震发生的时候,他没有在位于三层楼的教室中。As a result, he was not in his third- storey classroom when the earthquake hit.

设计将一个七层的平台和楼上八层的楼层相结合。The design combines a seven-storey podium base with an eight storey tower above.

本文提出了适用于非规则布置房屋结构隔震体系计算的层单元模型。The storey element mode for irregular isolated structure is suggested in this paper.

附近的一幢二层楼颤巍巍的倚在一根柱子上,像盒子式的火烈鸟。The second storey of a nearby house perches on a single pillar, like a boxy flamingo.

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寒暑风雨,我总睡在三楼的凉台上。Through hot and cold and wet I used to sleep out on the verandah of the third storey.

整个工程的占地面积为585平方米。NMDA’s project is a four storey mini-tower that covers an area of 585 square meters.

楼层高度小于或等于4M时,立管可装一个固定件。When the height of storey is not higher than 4M, Fixed parts can be installed on riser.

对单体建筑进行公道的平、立、剖面设计,控制建筑的层高。Made scientifically design about plane, elevation and section, control the storey height.

楼上的一部分凸出来遮蔽了通往入口的露台区域。A section of the upper storey juts out to shelter the decked area leading to the entrance.

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血液检测和核磁共振成像做了六个月,不过Storey最后还是有了诊断结果。It took six months of blood tests and MRIs, but Storey finally got a diagnosis. The good news?

四层相互联系的像回飞棒形状的楼层的装饰板就像照相机的快门。Four boomerang shaped storey decks rotate in relation to each other like the shutter of a camera.

村里有三棵四层楼高的大榕树,树冠宽阔婆娑,是白鹭们宽敞的家园。The village had three four- storey large banyan tree crown broad Posuo, egrets are spacious home.

构造一种能模拟一层框-剪结构的新型分析方法―层单元。The storey element is established which can simulate one storey of the frame-shear wall structure.

前院多为单层殿堂,后院全为重檐楼阁,雕刻精细,别具一格。More single- storey hall for the front yard, back yard all Zhongyan pavilions, fine carvings, unique.

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由于填充墙刚度效应的存在,填充墙框架结构在一些情况下可能产生薄弱层效应。The stiffness effect of the infill walls can make the soft storey effect occur in the infilled frames.

Storey现在贴膏药,每天更换,每次选择不同的地方以防止疼痛。Storey has patches, which he changes daily, choosing a different location each time to prevent soreness.

主楼原为两层高,后于一九二零年代加建一层。The main building was originally a two-storey structure to which an extra storey was added in the 1920s.