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另一则博客BoingBoing分享了从1984年开始的苹果商业情况。The blog Boing Boing shared an early Apple commercial from 1984.

拳击是一项粗野的运动,在比赛中一方力求击倒另一方。Boing is a rough sort in which one boxer tries to knock the other out.

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除了书籍像小木筏一样飘浮在水面上,什么也看不见。We could see nothing except the books boing like little rafts on the water.

颤振回声往往确定为“波音”的声音,有一个具体的音高。Flutter echoes are often identified as a "boing" sound that has a specific pitch.

但你们一定会品尝到中国公民不懈努力和愤怒的苦果的!But Boing must be tasted the praxis under the efforts from the indignant Chinese people!

我们准备骑自行车去那儿,随身带有水果、蛋、肉和蔬菜,还带有小刀和其他用品。We are going there by bike. We boing fruit, eggs , meat , vegetables , knives and some other things.

博英先生表示这是一种简单的处理方式,从技术层面讲越简单的方式越优秀。It’s a simple method, “and simpler is generally better when you’re looking at technology, ” Mr. Boing said.

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既然能只按一下空格键就瞄准发射泡沫灭火镖,为什么还要使用麻烦的橡胶带呢?Why boing rubber bands around the office when you can aim and fire foam darts with a flick of your space bar?

英国一个家庭3年前在路边捡到一只小羊羔,然后将它带回家当宠物养,并取名尼克·波伊。Found as a newborn lamb by a British family 3 years ago, Nick Boing has grown into a 139.7 kg ram and become a part of the family.

一位知情人说,一位朋友告诉他,伊拉克的屠宰场把血倒入这个湖里。One tipster told the tech blog Boing Boing that he was "told by a friend" that slaughterhouses in Iraq sometimes dump blood in canals.

还有一种弓状骨折,发生在骨头已经弯曲但还没有断裂的情况,这种骨折多出现在孩子身上。Still another kind is a boing bowing fracture. This happens with a bone that bands bends but does not break. It happens mostly in children.

就像你在这张小须鲸“啵嘤”声的线性声谱中看到的那样,细节信息被模糊掉了,独立的脉冲也很难分辨出来。As you can see from this linear spectrogram of a minke whale's "boing" call, the detail gets smeared out and individual pulses cannot be distinguished.

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经分析处理后,初步估算出波音767飞机高压级控制器的使用寿命、送修情况等相关信息,并对维修方案进行优化。After analysis and processing data, the service life and maintenance situation of HPC of Boing 67 are estimated. Besides, the maintenance scheme is optimized.

公司拥有国内外同行业中先进的电子标签生产设备和检测仪器,并且拥有一支经验丰富,技术能力强的生产和研发团队。Boing is equipped with highly advanced electronic label production equipments and testing devices, as well as a highly experienced and skilled production and R&D team.

上海博应信息技术有限公司专注于非接触智能卡制作、RFID电子标签制作和RFID技术系统集成。Shanghai Boing Information Technology Co. , Ltd. is a high-tech corporation that mainly focuses on production of contactless cards, electronic labels and integration of RFID technological systems.