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这就是牟尼沟的魅力所在了。This is the very charm of the Muni Valley.

我们先去欣赏一下牟尼沟的美景吧。Let's enjoy the beautiful Muni Valley first.

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法庭颁布的不利条款也有可能扰乱市政公债市场。An adverse ruling from the court could roil the muni market.

相传“腊八“是佛祖释伽牟尼成道的日子。It is said that "Laba" is as Muni Buddha Gaya Road release date.

我们有一个“下一趟有轨电车”的应用程序。I think we have an app that's like, "Next Muni" here in the city.

奥地利劫匪错将政府办公大楼当银行。Man mistakes building for bank in holdup vienna austria-a man mistook a muni.

有钱人修剪着他们的市政债券,而与此同时穷人工作一个小时却只有一元钱。The rich clipped coupons on their muni paper and the poor worked for a buck an hour.

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二道海在牟尼沟的末端,和扎嗄瀑布仅一山之隔。Two in the Muni Gou the end, and Zakho A waterfall is separated by only one mountain.

穆尼说,缅甸还讨论了就关键的能源供应问题,包括石油供给事宜,达成新的协议。Muni says Burma has also discussed brokering new deals for critical energy supplies including oil.

有许多封闭式基金相对它们的基金资产净值有两位数百分比的折扣。There are numerous closed-end muni funds trading at double-digit percentage discounts to their NAVs.

残疾人的信号狗、服务狗或引路狗允许不戴口套地免费乘坐地铁,且数量不限。Any number of signal, service or guide dogs for the disabled are allowed to ride Muni Free and Unmuzzled.

那我们先去欣赏一下牟尼沟的美丽风光,然后再去看看大牛到底怎么样了。Let's take this opportunity to enjoy the beautiful scenes of the Muni Valley before we find out how Daniel is faring.

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卫斯理安大学电影研究部的主席珍宁•贝辛格,将之称为“保罗•穆尼困扰”。Jeanine Basinger, chairwoman of the film studies department at Wesleyan University, calls this “the Paul Muni problem.”

观众朋友们,今天韩佳要带您去牟尼沟的二道海景区学汉语。Viewer friends, today I, Han Jia, am going to take you to the Erdaohai scenic area of the Muni Valley to learn Chinese.

穆尼说,尽管印度目前没有在缅甸公开推动民主变革,但是印度在这一议题上始终进行着外交接触。Muni says although India is not pushing openly for democratic change in Burma, it has engaged in quiet diplomacy on the issue.

纵观布克斯塔伯的判断,主要是基于市政债市场在承担养老金责任方面存在杠杆化和不透明性,而在这一巨大的市场中,所有问题又都被归结为“系统性”问题。The muni market is leveraged and opaque, in terms ofpension obligations. It is a big market, and problems can “gosystemic, ” he writes.

因为继美国国债评级下调之后,预计标普会降低这些市政债券的评级,尤其是那些拥有庞大联邦基金的州。That's because S&P is expected to follow its U.S. downgrade with cuts in ratings of some muni bond issuers, particularly states that get significant amounts of federal funding.

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新加坡东亚研究所的穆尼教授说,印度认识到,支持昂山素季并在缅甸呼吁实行民主要付出很高的安全代价。Professor D.S. Muni at Singapore's Institute of South Asian Studies says India realized there was a heavy security cost for supporting Aung San Suu Kyi and calls for democracy in Burma.

新加坡东亚研究所的穆尼教授说,印度认识到,支持昂山素季并在缅甸呼吁实行民主要付出很高的安全代价。Professor D. S. Muni at Singapore's Institute of South Asian Studies says India realized there was a heavy security cost for supporting Aung San Suu Kyi and calls for democracy in Burma.