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水是植物不可缺少的。Water is indispensable to plants.

游泳衣当然是必不可少。Bathing suit of course is indispensable.

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友谊对亼旳生活昰罘苛缺少旳。Friendship is indispensable to peoples life.

是人们生活中不可或缺的药用菌。Is the indispensable YaoYongJun people's life.

空气、食物与水是生命所必不可缺少的。Air, food, and water are indispensable to life.

蔬菜是日常生活不可缺少的副食品。Vegetable is indispensable food for daily life.

在曼联,维迪齐就是至关重要的。At Manchester United, Nemanja Vidic is indispensable.

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新鲜空气和干净的食物两者对我们是不可缺少的。Both fresh air and clean food are indispensable to us.

一小组不可缺少的人或事物。Found the book an indispensable quarry of information.

民族主义被认为是建构国家不可或缺的。Nationalism is arguably indispensable to state-building.

所以我的第二个建议就是——散文同样是必不可少的。Here comes my second suggestion-essays are indispensable.

钳工是机械制造中不可缺少的工种。Benchwork is an indispensable machinery manufacturing job.

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黝黑的皮肤,健壮的肌肉是饰演庄稼汉的必备条件。Dark skin and strong muscles are indispensable to farmers.

沙生灌木的平茬是生长不可缺少的环节。Cutting sandy shrub is an indispensable step that it grows.

做化学实验时,指示剂是必不可少的。Indicators are indispensable for doing chemical experiments.

红包是婚礼中不可或缺的「串场」礼物。Red envelopes are an indispensable gift from wedding guests.

对一个雕刻家来说,錾子和铁锤是不可缺少的工具。A chisel and a hammer are indispensable tools for a sculptor.

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BMP在造血作用中是不可缺少的因子。In addition, BMP is an indispensable factor in hematopoiesis.

虽然雷射似乎不可或缺,但也有其不利之处。Indispensable as lasers seem to be, they have their drawbacks.

图书馆是学科建设的必备条件之一。The library is indispensable to the disciplinary construction.