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经典的黑色电影蛇蝎美人形象。The classic film noir femme fatale image.

我认为党徽是我最乐观的和成熟的专辑呢。I think Femme Fatale is my most upbeat and mature album yet.

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杰奎琳最后卖到了8,105,250英镑,其中包括了买家的佣金。Tete de Femme fetched 8,105,250, including the buyer's premium.

康明斯是蛇蝎美人谁领导枪疯狂达尔到生活的罪行。Cummins is femme fatale who leads gun-crazy Dall into life of crime.

作为“妻子”角色的女同性恋者的这种差异却不太显著。In "femme" lesbians the difference has been found to be less marked.

东京的女性把她们的东西分成两袋是很典型的做法。It’s typical of the Tokyo femme to divide her belongings into two different camps.

那充斥的性以及失却灵魂的女人,那些蛇蝎美人,又是怎么回事呢?And what about all the sex, and the prominence of the soulless woman, the femme fatale?

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完美的调色板的女人法国线颜色等级每场比赛的理想树荫下的皮肤。The perfect palette of La Femme French line colour gradations ideally matches every shade of skin.

在邮差总是环两次,双倍赔偿,这个人是丈夫的性感尤物。In The Postman Always Rings Twice and Double Indemnity, this person is the husband of the femme fatale.

对于所有的妖娆女人和烟瘾来说,竹子也是吸烟工具的一种。For all you femme fatales and tobacco aficionados out there, bamboo plays are role in smoking paraphernalia too.

由于其独特的,公式女人指甲打磨格外耐化学和机械因素。Due to their unique, formula La Femme nail polishes are exceptionally resistant to chemical and mechanical factors.

正如你或许所知,图兰朵是一位美丽但冷血的艳丽公主,她将那些被爱迷惑了的王子们引诱至死。As you probably know, Turandot is the beautiful cold-hearted femme fatale princess who lures love-struck princes to their death.

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结出新肉,连伤疤也无,断掉的手脚筋脉也快速接好。Knot current beef, even injure Ba to also have no, Moncler Manteau Femme ", break of hand and foot Jin vein also fast interlock favor."

蛇蝎美人在加拿大也已取得白金地位,是金在英国,法国,墨西哥,捷克共和国,巴西,韩国和新加坡的认证。Femme Fatale has also achieved platinum status in Canada and is gold-certified in the UK, France, Mexico, Czech Republic, Brazil, Korea & Singapore.

1799年9月,他前往密斯里州,投奔自己的一个儿子,并最终定居于费姆奥萨奇山谷,在那里继续狩猎、漫游,直到辞世。In September 1799, he set out for Missouri where a son had preceded him. He settled in the Femme Osage valley where he continued to hunt and roam until his death.

这种野心低温新颖性痴迷去探索一个迷人性感尤物的恶意操纵背后的苹果馅饼美容面具。This chilling novel of ambition and sexual obsession goes behind the mask of an apple-pie beauty to probe the sinister manipulations of a mesmerizing femme fatale.

古有冲冠一怒为红颜,也有费一世心力为父母报仇的,可见天下儿女都是孝顺的,父母的地位是谁也取代不了的。The ancients have stormed crowns for a femme. Some people used all their life to avenge for his parents. So the world's children are obedient. Parents bound never be replaced.

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然而,虽然一个人认为他有机会接近这样一个女人,觉得无法自己运气好,后来他意识到,他是唯一的受害者之一的蛇蝎美人。However, while a man thinks he got the chance to get close to such an unreachable woman and feels himself lucky, later he realizes that he is only one of the victims of a femme fatale.

他在孟买有一个妻子和八个孩子,不过这并不妨碍他向又蠢又没有心眼、上了他的当的女仆求婚。He has a wife and eight children in Bombay, but that does not prevent him from proposing marriage to any little femme de chambre who is stupid and credulous enough to be taken in by him.

从贝弗利山导演迈克汉诺威,到三亚洲,无情的亚美尼亚暴徒,并在顶部,把世界陷入混乱的一对深覆盖超级间谍死心塌地。From Beverly Hills filmmaker Mike Hanover, to a trio of Asian femme fatales, to ruthless Armenian mobsters, and at the top, a pair of deep cover super spies hell bent on throwing the world into chaos.