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烟草类股表现也不错。Tobacco stocks also have done decently.

因此,在家里吃饭时尽量举止端庄。So try eating at home as decently as you can.

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很难预测,但质量中心稳定运动。Hard to predict but the center of mass behaves decently.

小小孩不懂得怎样举止得体。The children do not know how to behave themselves decently.

我要以衣着打扮表达出对自己和别人的尊重。I must express my respect for others and myself by dressing decently.

爱捣乱的金正日想获得注意,想获得让他规规矩矩的激励。Kim Jong-il is a naughty boy who wants attention and incentives to behave decently.

那只飞蛾找准自己的道路后,十分体面地死去,现在毫无怨言的躺在那里。The moth having righted himself now lay most decently and uncomplainingly composed.

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校园环境秀丽,建筑风格庄重典雅、朴素大方。The campus is beautiful in environment, decently -styled and simple in architectures.

一个正常大小的程序往往都会有大量的函数和过程。If it's a decently sized program, it's going to have a lot of functions and procedures.

为这一计划,我们的重点是易体面的排名高的搜索关键字数量。For this plan, we are focusing on high quantity of easy to rank decently searched keyword.

所提供的服务必须有针对性和经济上的公平性,同时要尊重人的尊严。And it needs to provide services that are responsive and financially fair, while treating people decently.

没有一个怀疑读者智商、态度高人一等的人能够写得像样。No one can write decently who is distrustful of the reader's intelligence, or whose attitude is patronizing.

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他现在衣服整齐一些了,穿着一件敞领的运动衫、一双运动鞋和一条颜色不清不楚的帆布裤。He was now decently clothed in a "sport shirt" open at the neck sneakers and duck trousers of a nebulous hue.

我答应过自己很多对你要做的事情,我想为你做所有我能做的事情,好好爱你。I have promised myself to do many things for you, I would like to do all that I can for you, love you decently.

她允诺要像他那样,谦恭地来管理菲律宾,并要像他那样,正派地生活以树立起一个榜样。She promises to rule the Philippines as humbly as he did and to set an example by living as decently as he did.

每一个在高度发展的地区长大的孩子,幼年都极力想寻找一块可以称为自己的地盘的地方。Growing up, in a decently developed area, a child thrives to find a place that he or she can call his or her own.

他现在衣服整齐一些了,穿着一件敞领的运动衫、一双运动鞋和一条颜色不清不楚的帆布裤。He was now decently clothed in a "sport shirt, " open at the neck, sneakers, and duck trousers of a nebulous hue.

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如果参与“进步”项目的儿童定期到校就读,并且表现良好,其母亲就能按月获得补贴。Progresa gave monthly stipends to mothers of children in the program if they attended school regularly and did decently.

你头一天到那个公司上班应该穿得整洁体面,你总不愿意出师不利吧?。On the first day to work in the company, you should get neatly and decently dressed. You don't want to get off the wrong foot, do you?

他们很融洽,但是当他那神族的同伴决定越过边界再定居时他们的关系就开始分离。They were doing decently , but ties were started to set apart when his Protoss partner decided to cross the border and settled for anew.