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专业化和常规化已经减少了他们在工作上的创新局面。Specialization and routinization have reduced the creative aspects of their work.

在常规化的服务工作既有尖锐和荒谬的后果。The routinization of service work has both poignant and preposterous consequences.

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在本论文中,我将选择公安题材电视剧的类型化和模式化进行论述。In this article, I will select the style and routinization of police shows to discuss.

她的研究揭示了复杂而且往往出人意料,随着服务工作常规化来的结果。Her study reveals the complex and often unexpected results that come with the routinization of service work.

这种凝固的语用环境蕴涵了这些语气副词在言语交际中的语用预设。The routinization of the contexts implicates the presupposition of the monosyllable modal adverbs in communication.

陶瓷,教育普及,近年来,在专业设置的例行公事,流于形式机构的数目。Ceramics education everywhere in recent years, a number of institutions of professional settings routinization , a mere formality.

本文主要就其诗歌的日常性、叙事性和口语化等方面探讨其诗学命题的内涵。The article is mainly exploring the connotation of themes of poems by Yujian in terms of routinization , narration and orality and so on.

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中央电视台的新闻直播要实现常规化发展就必须同时考虑到新闻事件直播和新闻栏目直播两个方面。To realize routinization of news live broadcasts, CCTV has to give consideration to the live broadcast of both news events and news columns.

可以认为,实践者把理论作为不断反思过程的输入,因而防止骄傲自满和因循守旧。Practitioners are seen to utilize theories as inputs to a process of continuous reflection, thereby guarding against complacency and routinization.

极为厌弃中国画特别是文人画长期封闭守古而成的陈陈相因和柔弱,倾心大西北的奇异壮美。Extremely rejected paintings Chinese painting in particular, observe the ancient long-closed from routinization and weak, attracted to the exotic splendor of northwest.

作为教师,需要准确把握不同学习方式的适用范围和应用条件,正确理解不同学习方式之间的关系,防止将新的学习方式模式化。Teachers need to grasp the application requirements of different learning style accurately, understand the relationship between them and prevent from the routinization of learning style.

时至今日,伴随着市场竞争的白热化以及消费者购买心理的不断成熟,“营销惯例化”的问题日益凸现。At this point, following the market competition superheating as well as the purchases psychology of consumer unceasingly maturely, the question of"Marketing Routinization"is highlighting day by day.