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然后把菊花水隔滤,备用。Then Filtrate The chrysanthemum water. Set aside.

滤液收集盒紧靠着上方皮带的下面密封。A filtrate collection box sits underneath, and seals against, the upper belt.

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培养滤液均能促进THP-1细胞的吞噬功能,并且促进作用的强弱与滤液浓度有关。And filtrate of P. ances culture also enhanced the phagocytosis of THP-1 cells.

脱色后的滤液重新加入硫酸成盐得到硫酸头孢匹罗。The sulfate is added again in a decolored filtrate to obtain the cefpirome sulfate.

我经过输送、过滤、净化,从江河之中千辛万苦来到这里,请您珍惜。——请节约用水!I travel here through pipes, filtrate and purify to reach you, so please cherish me.

自然电位的形成与地层水矿化度和钻井液滤液矿化度密切相关。The spontaneous potential is closely related to salinity in formation and mud filtrate.

本机传动轴被设计成空心轴,在相应的位置开孔,供滤液排出。The hollow axis with holes on the wall is designed because of the discharge of filtrate.

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这种方法可以用来过滤“噪声”孤立点数据,发现任意形状的簇。The method can be used to filtrate the outlier data and discover clusters of arbitrary shape.

比较试验组和对照组血浆滤出液的颜色。Difference in color of plasma filtrate in the test-group and control-group was also discussed.

滤液再生采用精密过滤器,环保节能。Precision filtering device is adopted for filtrate recycling, ensuring environment protection.

经稀土处理的无细胞滤液对马铃薯块茎组织的浸离力降低。The maceration to potato tuber tissue decreased when the cell free filtrate was treated with La.

泥浆滤液驱替地层中的一些或所有可动流体,形成冲洗带。The mud filtrate displaces some or all of the moveable fluids in the formation, leaving an invaded zone.

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目的观察正常人新鲜粪便滤液治疗肠道菌群失调的疗效。Objective To observe the effect of filtrate of normal human fresh dejecta on intestinal flora alteration.

随着饼层的形成和加厚,滤液逐渐变清。Filtrate Along with the bread of the formation and thickening of the filtrate, gradual change qing dynasty.

单纯的包过滤防火墙只能对数据包进行简单的过滤,很难适应发展的网络防御要求。Historically pure packet filter firewall can only filtrate data packet, it hardly adapts to network defend needs.

降低泥浆通过渗透介质时的滤失量的一种特殊泥浆添加剂。A group of mud additives specifically designed to lower the volume of filtrate that passes through a filter medium.

本课题所研究的高通量药物筛选系统是集分离、分析和筛选于一体的自动化操作系统。In our research, we make the high throughput screening system separate, analyze and filtrate drug at the same time.

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公司代理及销售多家国际知名品牌过滤材料、无纺布及其制品。Our company deputy and sales several international-famous brand filtrate materials, non -woven fabric and products.

酒糟滤液全回用技术的应用能够实现酒精发酵的零排放。The recycling fermentation with the filtrate of stillage was a zero discharges technology of the ethanol production.

利用低浓度玉米小斑病菌C小种毒素培养滤液作为激发子诱导玉米获得抗病性。Disease to maize southern leaf spot disease was induced by culture filtrate of Bipolaris maydis race C toxin cultivation.