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还有,瞄准那个半身人。And aim for the halfling.

你觉得他是个半身人吗?Do you think he's a halfling?

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呜哇!我是古往今来最浑的半身人!Woot! I am the most badass halfling EVER!

你面前的这个半身人沉着的注视着你。The halfling before you regards you coolly.

你的混乱中立半身人小贼会在滔滔不绝的对话进行到一半时清楚地觉得自己像个呆瓜。Your chaotic neutral halfling thief will feel distinctly like a dork spouting half of this dialogue.

它还有一个被大家熟知的就是半身人的绿色原野,也是Yondalla和其它半身人神明的家。It's also known as the Green Fields to halflings, for it's. the home of Yondalla and other halfling deities.

这个半身人和其他半身人不一样的地方在于,当他被迫要做英雄的时候,他总是能做得很好。This halfling is unlike most other halflings , because when he's trapped to be the hero, he always comes out on top.

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金色单位是传奇,属于14级或更高,例如传奇难度的TARNWOOD中的那个半人小贼。Units with Gold Blending are Legendary Units. They are Level 14 and Beyond. Like the One Halfling in Tarnwood Legend.

在这地方能见到一个半身人同伴总是令人愉快的,不过恐怕你来得很不凑巧,我的姐妹。It's always a pleasure to see a fellow halfling in these parts, but I'm afraid you've caught me at a bad time, sister.

在这地方能见到一个半身人同伴总是令人愉快的,不过恐怕你来得很不凑巧,兄弟。It's always a pleasure to see a fellow halfling in these parts, but I'm afraid you've caught me at a bad time, brother.

如果你们想要成为敌人,那么我只得在半身人的公平裁决到来之前,将你们第三次击溃了。If enemies you wish to be, then I shall simply have to crush you all a third time before exacting justice on the halfling.

这个短小的半身人第一次出现在卡林港的炎炎烈日之下,作为一名高级盗贼,他从公会首领帕夏普克那里得到了一块催眠宝石。This short little halfling started out in the hot sun of Calimport as a high ranking thief who took a prized hypnotic jewel from the Guide master, Pasha Pook.

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当问及她的过去时,玛兹骄傲地宣称她花了数年的时间,以崔米镇她家作为行动基地,和同伴一起在安姆四处冒险历练。When asked about her past mazzy proudly states that she has spent numerous years adventuring around amn with her other halfling comrades basing out of her home town of trademeet.

当问及她的过去时,玛兹骄傲地宣称她花了数年的时间,以崔米镇她家作为行动基地,和同伴一起在安姆四处冒险历练。When asked about her past, MAZZY proudly states that she has spent numerous years adventuring around Amn with her other halfling comrades, basing out of her home town of Trademeet.