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母鸡抱窝了。The hen is sitting.

我问道,坐了下来。I ask, sitting down.

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坐在沙坑中。Sitting in a sandpit.

坐恠椅孒丄菲郦。Feili sitting in a chair.

我们都坐在石头上。and sitting on the stone.

我已经厌倦奥坐在这里。I'm tired o' sitting here.

比比看谁高。See who is sitting higher?

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他两腿交叉坐着。He is sitting cross-legged.

有一个男孩坐在电视机房。A boy is sitting by a TV-set.

他坐在一张矮矮的长椅子上。He is sitting on a low bench.

我花很长的时间坐着I spend a lot of time sitting

那么经常坐着有什么问题呢?So what’s wrong with sitting?

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鲍勃正坐在扶手椅上。Bob is sitting in an armchair.

他坐在王敏后头。He is sitting behind Wang Min.

他坐在一把藤椅上。He is sitting on a cane chair.

我当时坐在后排。I was sitting in the back row.

他笨拙地挪动身体,坐起来。He moves awkwardly, sitting up.

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杰尔现在坐在我左边。Jill is sitting on my left now.

坐在那张桌子后的女孩吃吃地笑起来。The girl sitting there giggled.

伙计,你坐在我的座位上了.You are sitting in my seat,guy.