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安全角阀。Relief angle valve.

这是一个锐角。It is an acute angle.

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是形成了一个角度吗?Does it make an angle?

那么,什么是最佳视角?What’s the best angle?

角度太大。The angle is too great.

它可以是任意角度。It could be at any angle.

我是在找我的神仙姐姐。I 'm searching for my angle.

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正方形每个角都是90度。Each angle of a square is 90'.

唇角那浅浅的笑,都是甜的。The angle that smile is sweet.

以弧度计量的角度。An angle , measured in radians.

运动员的足掌触地角较小。Foot touchdown angle is smaller.

在原角处做一个相切的角度。Match cut on an angle to a radius.

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刘海以低角度处理。Sculpture the fringe in low angle.

这两条线构成一个45度的角。The two lines form an angle of 45o.

用圆规把一个角二等分。Use your compass to bisect an angle.

条码可以任意旋转。Barcodes can be rotated to any angle.

她把帽子歪戴着,一副俏皮的样子。She cocked her hat at a jaunty angle.

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我是说,A和B的夹角取哪个?I mean, what angle is A making with B?

φ是与z轴的夹角。Phi is the angle down from the z axis.

如果键角仍然是109。So if we still have an angle of a 109.