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他被判犯有走私罪。He was convicted of smuggling.

他们判他犯有走私罪。They convicted him of smuggling.

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他们捕获一条走私船。They made prize of a smuggling ship.

我们用货柜载偷渡客?We're smuggling people in containers?

他们被查出犯有走私武器罪。They were spied out smuggling weapons.


大规模毒品走私在增长。Large-scaled drug smuggling was on the increase.

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清代四川是重要的产盐区,其私盐问题十分突出。At the same time, salt smuggling was very serious.

多年来他一直夹带手表过海关。For years he has been smuggling watches through customs.

同时也是亚洲走私野生动物的主要集散中心。It’s also been a major hub for Asian wildlife smuggling.

从事走私勾当是非法行为。To go upon a smuggling expedition is an act of barratry.

两国还将致力于打击走私和人口贩运。They will work to combat smuggling and human trafficking.

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大多数都要上交,如果走私棉花,还要罚钱。Most have paid if the smuggling of cotton, but also Faqian.

赖昌星,福建晋江人,厦门某特大走私案主犯。Lai, Jinjiang, Fujian, Xiamen smuggling case of a principal.

七私运枪械、弹药、品或协助偷渡人口者。Smuggling guns, ammunition and drugs or assisting stowaways.

粮食走私案件的背后是国际粮食市场的暴涨行情。Grain smuggling showed up when the world's food prices surged.

科比说通过一个走私网络,证明它是另一回事。Corby says by a smuggling network, proving it is another matter.

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在国内将鸦片提纯可以使毒品走私更加容易。Refining the opium in-country makes smuggling it out much easier.

报导称,Yaroshenko在纽约受到毒品走私指控。Yaroshenko is facing drugs smuggling charges in New York, it said.

另据报道,D-Company与基地组织分享走私路线。D-Company also reportedly shares its smuggling routes with al Qaeda.