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肥沃的草地吸引了牧人。Lush grasslands beckoned the herdsman.

你知道是谁发现牧夫星座的吗?Do you know who discovered the Herdsman ?

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这个牧人每天上午在牲口群的周围绕着走。The herdsman rings his cattle every morning.

不过据臣妾所知,他只是个牧马人的儿子。But I hear he is in fact the son of a herdsman.

这个牧人想拥有的是一群马。A herd of horses is what the herdsman wants to have.

作为理性人,每一个牧人都期望他的收益最大化。As a rational being, each herdsman seeks to maximize his gain.

而目前给牧区牧民的补贴是属于被动性补偿性补贴。But the subsidy of pastoral area and herdsman is passive and back-off.

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牧人在树林中放牛,不幸丢失了一头离群的小牛犊。HERDSMAN tending his flock in a forest lost a Bull-calf from the fold.

一个在森林里赶着牛群的牧人丢失了一头小牛。HERDSMAN tending his flock in a forest lost a Bull -calf from the fold.

牧人在树林中放牛,不幸丢失了一头离群的小牛犊。A herdsman tending his flock in a forest lost a Bull-calf from the fold.

牧人在树林中放牛,不幸丢失了一头离群的小牛犊。A herdsman tending his flock in a forest lost a Bull -calf from the fold.

牧人把羊群赶到野外,用夜晚的新鲜露水催肥。The herdsman drove afield battening his flocks with the fresh dews of night.

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这场旅程在年轻的牧羊人迈向成年时扮演了什麽样的角色?How does such a journey relate to the growing up of a young herdsman into his adulthood?

据当地卫生局说,他是一个32岁的子科滩牧民的邻居。He was a neighbor of a 32-year-old herdsman in Ziketan and a 37-year-old man who died earlier.

牧民都认为若见到龙则是大吉之兆,凡是当着龙所作的一切祈祷均能灵验。Herdsman consider it lucky to see the dragon because prayers to the dragon can always become true.

年轻牧民轻快地跃上一匹惯于对生人使性子的马。The young herdsman briskly mounted a horse that was inclined to act up with an unaccustomed rider.

毕力格,内蒙古鄂尔多斯市牧民,依靠一口8米深的井灌溉玉米地。Bilige, a herdsman in Erdos city in Inner Mongolia, has to rely on an eight-meter-deep well for irrigating his cornfield.

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做为河北省的一名普通农民或者是内蒙古草原上的一名普通牧民,怎样做才能帮助实现这个目标哪?As a farmer in Hebei Province or a herdsman on the grassland in Inner Mongolia, what should we do to help achieving the goal?

据一位在扎西岛长年修行的尼姑讲,她和湖畔牧民多次见到过纳木措湖中的龙和湖羊。According to an old Buddhist nun in Tashi Island, she and the herdsman have seen dragons and lake sheep in the lake many times.

这期间,他登上过天安门,去了内蒙古大草原,还在一户牧民家里住了一个星期。During this period, he had boarded in Tiananmen Square to the Inner Mongolian grasslands, a herdsman family also lived for a week.