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叫他不要冲向前去。Tell him not to dash up.

真希望就在这分钟逃离。I wish to Dash this minute.

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我得闪了。该回家了。I must dash. Time to go home.

波浪冲击着岩石。The waves dash upon the rocks.

请原谅,我现在得赶紧走了。Excuse me, I must dash off now.

名称不能以连字符结尾。The name cannot end with a dash.

他朝那所房子奔去。He made a dash towards the house.

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破折号比连字号长。The dash is longer than the hyphen.

把少量威士忌掺进你的茶。Dash your tea with a little whiskey.

他在200米赛跑中成绩不错。He's done well in the 200-meter dash.

结果达什跑了四千米!Dash ended up running four kilometres!

如何逃脱降价的双重冲击?How to escape double dash in markdown?

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寻梦?撑一支长篙。Dream searching? Dash a long boat pole.

他在200米赛跑中成绩不错。He 's doing well in the 200-meter dash.

他在百米跑中得了第一。He came in first in the 100-meter dash.

他把碗猛摔在地上,摔得粉粹。He dash the bowl to bits on the ground.

一个喷嚏,他的鼻涕喷到仪表盘上。He sneezed a wad of snot onto the dash.

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现在,让我们加入另一个现实的打击。Now, let's add another dash of reality.

加盐、胡椒粉和一点儿醋。Add salt, pep per and a dash of vinegar.

他对著石块把玻璃碗砸得粉碎。He dash the glass bowl to bit on a rock.