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他说有些农场主是亚美希人。He said some of the farmers are Amish.

大家都认为安曼教派是技术恐慌。People think the Amish are technophobes.

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阿米什孔在谷仓门设计裯。An Amish Hole In The Barn Door Design Coverlet.

我的阿米希朋友也庆祝感恩节。I have Amish friends who celebrate Thanksgiving.

阿米什人的观念不仅不落后,甚至相当超前。Amish not only lag behind the idea, and even quite advanced.

一群亚米希人看起来就像圣经电影中的一个场景。A group of Amish looks like a cast from a biblical movie set.

在俄亥俄州东北部有着比其它州更多的门诺派教徒。Northeast Ohio has a larger Amish population than any other state.

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这种袭击显然是针对门诺教观念所珍视的象征物。These attacks appear to target cherished symbols of Amish identity.

而阿米什人则在我们身边平静地生活、缓慢地发展。The Amish people are living peacefully in our midst, slow development.

虽然外表如此,艾米许人并不排斥科技与进步。Despite appearances, the Amish are not against technology and progress.

田园式的宾西法尼亚州有着美丽的乡间,大部分的亚米希人就居住于此。Rural Pennsylvania where most of the Amish live is beautiful countryside.

有大量的阿米什人用手机,所以他们是他妈的伪君子。There are plenty of Amish who use cellphones, sothey’re fucking hypocrites.

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一名阿米什女孩穿着滑轮鞋带着货物在马路上滑行,米德尔,俄亥俄州。An Amish girl roller blades with her groceries along a road in Middlefield, Ohio.

阿米什人的宗教群体,是他们的创造性和大胆的被子模式而闻名。The Amish religious group is well known for their inventive and bold quilt patterns.

“现在想起来”,他继续说到,“阿米什人是地球上最聪明的人。”“Now consider this, ” he continues. “The Amish are the smartest people on the planet.”

一对夫妇乘坐马车穿过暴风雪中的圣玛莉学院,马里兰州。An Amish couple rides in a horse-drawn buggy through a blizzard in St. Mary's, Maryland.

亚米希人在美国的第一个定居点是宾夕法尼亚州东部的兰开斯特郡。The 1st Amish settlement in America was in Lancaster County in the eastern state of Pennsylvania.

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一只从文诺教分离出的派别疯狂作案,强行割去反对者的胡须。An Amish splinter group has gone on a crime spree, forcibly cutting the beards off of their rivals.

亚米希人的第一个定居点位于美国东部的宾夕法尼亚州兰开斯特郡。The first Amish settlement in America was in Lancaster County in the eastern state of Pennsylvania.

由于阿曼门诺派教徒重视彼此面对面地交流,他们反对在住宅里安装电话。Since the Amish value seeing each other face to face, they oppose having telephones in their houses.