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我想参加全天的旅游团。I'd like a full-day tour.

你们有向导解说的参观团吗?Do you have a guided tour?

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这个是一天游的观光团。This one is a one-day tour.

在观光公共汽车上的二个朋友!Two amigos on the tour bus!

其实出国旅游办签证你有一个整天的观光吗?。Do you have a full-day tour?

我就是乐先生,你们的导游。I am Mr Le. Your tour guide.

让我作一次配导游的游泳吧。Let 's go on a conduct tour.

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所以你可以去参观一下。So you go on a tour of that.

我们有包价旅游。We have a full package tour.

每年夏天我们都驾车出外旅行。We tour by car every summer.

您是否需要导赏服务?Do you require a guided tour?

我是导游,叫尚华。I'm Shanghua, the tour guide.

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“家伙”带着我简单参观了一下。The Guy gave me a quick tour.

他们正在进行新婚旅行。They are on the wedding tour.

郑秀文世界巡回演唱会。Touch. Mi. World. Tour. Live.

还有,你们乘专线游览车观光了吗?And have you taken a bus tour?

这支乐队在法国巡回演出。The band is on tour in France.

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他们打算到欧洲旅行。They are going to tour Europe.

什么时候战车将再次巡演?When will Rammstein tour again?

他在旅行中拿她打趣逗乐。He devilled her during the tour.