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他被指派为发言人。He was made spokesman.

新闻发言人表示,Brig。The spokesman said that "Brig."

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内政大臣发言人Brig。Interior Ministry spokesman Brig.

该发言人只是泛泛而谈。The spokesman dealt in generalities.

三一重工的一位发言人拒绝置评。A Sany spokesman declined to comment.

发言人提及一则声明。The spokesman adverted to a statement.

Lyondell的发言人拒绝对此事发表评论。A Lyondell spokesman declined to comment.

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艺术黄的入境口岸之一,是长滩港发言人。Art Wong is port of Long Beach spokesman.

费德林的代言人也没有对此立刻回复。We could not have had a better spokesman.

中钢集团是中国一家国有的战略资源贸易公司,该集团发言人拒绝对此事置评。A Sinosteel spokesman declined to comment.

五角大楼发言人拉潘当天说。Pentagon spokesman Lapan said the same day.

摩根大通发言人拒绝就此置评。A J. P. Morgan spokesman declined to comment.

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那个发言人又在老调重弹。That spokesman is striking up the same old tune.

一个看上去很自豪的男人走上前当起了翻译。A proud-looking man stepped forward as spokesman.

克钦独立组织发言人拉南称,他们并不担心。Spokesman La Nang said they were not too worried.

一位盛大的发言人说公司意在控制新浪。A Shanda spokesman says the company wants control.

中海油发言人拒绝对此发表评论.CNOOC spokesman Jiang Yongzhi declined to comment.

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铁道部发言人王勇平离任。Railways ministry spokesman dismissed from office.

联邦法庭的一名发言人拒绝评论。A spokesman for the federal court declined comment.

而中石油的发言人没有回应书面采访的问题。CNPC spokesman didn't respond to written questions.