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构成砖的分子凝聚为一。The particles making up a brick cohere.

他的宗教信仰与政治信仰是一致的吗?。Do his religious and political beliefs cohere?

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这部小说的各部分之间缺乏连贯性。The various elements of the novel fail to cohere.

这个帝国无法凝聚成一个合法的整体。The empire could not cohere as a legitimate whole.

装饰物与设计的基调不协调。The adornments do not cohere with the basic design.

这个观点与他们的其他看法不一致。This view does not cohere with their other beliefs.

你把一团雪捏紧,雪就黏合成雪球。It can be difficult to get a group of people to cohere.

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瑶族文化是凝聚瑶族人民的重要力量。The Yao culture is the important force to cohere the Yao people.

尝试着寻找让你团队更融洽的方法并让他们知道你们是一个整体。Look for ways to make your group cohere and know that it’s a group.

无论什么时候,只要我看到我的部队,或者其他的任何一支部队,我想做的唯一的事情就是保持团结。Whenever I see my unit, or anyone’s unit, all I want to do is cohere.

“增长的极限”这个模型的建造者们怀疑,如果进行这样的模拟的话,这个模型会产生出与事实不符的结果。In this case, the modelers suspected that the simulation would not cohere.

反测试开始成为个整体的国家行动。The anti-testing backlash is beginning to cohere as an integrated national effort.

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词汇衔接是实现语篇连贯的重要衔接机制之一。Lexical cohesion is an important cohesive device to cohere a business English text.

它们的风格足够接近,七封信的内容足够一致。They have enough of the style the same, they cohere well together,all seven of them.

加强校园文化、班级文化、寝室文化的建设,以增强其凝聚力与认同感。To strengthen culture of campus , class and dining-room so as to enhance cohere power and identity.

词汇衔接是实现语篇连贯的多种衔接机制之一。Lexical Cohesion is a device of greater importance to cohere an English text, compared with other devices.

跨界民族是指因政治疆界与民族分布不吻合而跨国界居住的民族。Cross-border ethnicity means that the ethnic who lives multinational field does not cohere with the nation.

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从国际奥林匹克大赛到橄榄球场,团体,公立或者私立的都通过游戏而凝聚为一体。From the international Olympics to football pools, communities, both public and private cohere through games.

你可以选择彼此有合理关联的课程,修习能帮助你实现目标的专业,但最重要的是要做能激发你想象力的事情。Choose courses that cohere. Follow a program towards your objectives. But most importantly, do what catches your imagination.

是的,同学们所选的课程应该与你们的目标保持一致,保持相关,但最重要的是,你们要充分发挥想象力。Yes, you should choose courses that cohere and follow a program towards your objective, but most importantly, do or pursue what captures your imagination.