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司机冲我挥挥手,按了下喇叭。The driver gave me a wave and a toot.

司机冲我挥挥手,按了下喇叭。The driver gave me a wave and a toot.

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“嘟”的一声打破了黎明的寂静。"Toot" out of the dawn broke the silence.

一个吹笛的导师尝试教两个吹笛者吹笛。tooted a flute tried to tutor two tooters to toot.

一位教吹长笛的导师在尽力教导两个学生怎么吹。A tutor who tooted a flute tried to tutor two tooters to toot.

对于嘟嘟牛来说,则是广大网民对其功能的认可。To toot toot ox, it is broad netizen to its function approbate.

哇,小樱桃你怎样晓得教师最喜欢喝嘟嘟奶?!Wow, how do you know teachers cherry favorite drink milk toot? !

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的那个人是母亲,换来的是你的一句,知道了,然后嘟嘟嘟。That person is mother, what is the one you, know, then toot toot.

每个人在开车的时候都可能会在毫无明显理由的情况下狂按喇叭。Everyone will toot their car horns on the road for no apparent reason.

也可以直接用吸尘器呜呜地来一遍,把浮灰都去掉。Also can toot with cleaner toot ground starts over directly, float ash take out.

如果你想被提拔,勇于去承担一些责任,树立起自己的王牌。If you want to advance, some of the responsibility falls on you to toot your own horn.

你应该定期巧妙的把你取得的成绩告诉老板。Tactfully toot your own horn by periodically apprising your manager of your successes.

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请听到“嘟”声后留下您的名字和电话号码。But I will call you back when I return. Please leave your name and number after the toot.

当我们老了之后,我们总是想尽办法让别人知道自己有多大的成就。When we’re older, we toot our own horns as loud as we can to show others what we’ve accomplished.

她说,不要害怕展示自己,要让老板知道你正在努力完成的事情。Don't be afraid to toot your own horn, she says, and let your boss know what you're accomplishing.

号角声呜呜响起,上万的蓝色族人顿时静了下来。The toot hum resounds, the up to ten thousand blue color clansman has been static immediately down.

根尖定位和根管长度测量是根管治疗术是否能够成功的关键。Apical positioning and root canal measurement are the key to the success of the toot canal treatment.

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这个问题上,你有权利或者是义务来自吹自擂。Here you have every right, and perhaps an obligation, to toot your own horn and be a bit egotistical.

原谅我们在这里展示自己的东西,但说真的伙计们,我们很为这个产品骄傲。Forgive us if we toot our own horn a little, but seriously, you guys, we are really proud of this one.

汉字是中国文化的根基,作为表意文字的汉字具有二维平面图形的视觉特点。As the ideogram, Chinese characters, the toot of Chinese culture, are featured by the vision of planar pictures.