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我真的爱上爱岛的农村。I do love countryside in PEI.

我喜欢生活在农村。I like living in the countryside.

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我喜欢居住在乡间的感觉.I love living in the countryside.

他喜欢在乡间漫步。He likes strolling the countryside.

他刚从乡下来。He's just come from the countryside.

戴维被分配到乡下。Davy was assigned to the countryside.

他隐居乡下。He buried himself in the countryside.

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这是乡村野趣吗?Woman Is the countryside interesting?

家园乡野景依旧。King is still home to the countryside.

水彩农村房子标识。Watercolor countryside house logotype.

她匆匆把他撵到乡下去。She bundled him off to the countryside.

在农村时我住在孙家。Suns during my stay in the countryside.

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房子零乱地散布在乡间。Houses straggled across the countryside.

全家在讨论假期去哪里玩。你说,换换样,去乡下吧Let's go to the countryside for a change.

多麽诚实的乡下老妪董学锋!What a honest old countryside woman ! ! !

一个旅行者驾驶着汽车去乡村。A traveler drove a car to the countryside.

她思慕乡下那清幽的空气。She sighed for the air in the countryside.

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薰衣草田散布于吕贝隆地区的乡间。Lavender fields dot the Luberon countryside.

在乡下迷信的根除是缓慢的。Superstitions in the countryside die slowly.

琼和马克斯俩人都在农村长大。Both Joan and Max grew up in the countryside.