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是博立顿大学的格言。"Ignite your spirit" is the motto of Benedictine.

你曾否申请报读博立顿大学?。Have you previously applied for Benedictine College?

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2006年我从美国博立顿大学上海分院毕业获得工商管理学士学位。I was granted Bachelor of Science by Benedictine College in 2006.

在博立顿大学上海分院求学的这三年里,我学到了很多。I have gained a lot in a span of three years at Benedictine College.

佛提尔目前在杜佩奇学院及本笃会大学教写作。She teaches writing at College of DuPage and Benedictine University.

公元969年在岛顶上建造了本笃会隐修院。Year on top of the island in 969 years to build a Benedictine monastery.

为此,本笃会的规则,成为标准在西欧。For this reason the Benedictine Rule became the standard in western Europe.

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个人住房正笃与他人加入,形成聚集。Individual Benedictine houses are joined with others to form a congregation.

所有莱尔酒店位于三英里的伯纳狄汀大学。All Lisle hotels are located within three miles of the Benedictine University.

在博立顿大学上海分院求学的这四年里,我学到了很多。I have gained a lot in a span of four years at Benedictine College Shanghai Campus.

他从中国的总理变成了本笃会的修士和神父。A man who went from being the Premier of China to being a Benedictine monk and priest.

本笃会修士卡尔?科赫尔的成就是培育一只品种非常优良的英国蜜蜂。The achievement of Karl Kehrle, a Benedictine monk, was to breed a very decent British bee.

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伦敦著名的教堂开始作为一个圣本铎修道院扩大由英国国王爱德华在10世纪40年代。The famous London church began as a Benedictine monastery enlarged by King Edward in the 1040s.

卡辛诺山攻守战之中,六世纪建筑的本笃修道院也遭破坏。One casualty of the battle for Monte Cassino was the Benedictine monastery, built in the 6th century.

一座有着1300年历史的修道院从圣米歇尔山的岩石海岸的低潮处延伸出来连接着这个大陆。Rising from its rocky shores, the 1300-year-old Benedictine Abbey at low tide is connected to the land.

期末检查时测试点几乎全部通过,分数上90,供学弟学妹们参考。Final inspection by almost all test points, 90 points for Benedictine College Shanghai Campus reference.

皮埃尔·培里侬是本笃会修道士,1968年被任命为威斯敏斯特大教堂的财务主管。Pierre Perignon was a Benedictine monk who, in 1688, was appointed treasurer at the Abbey of Hautvillers.

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皮埃尔·培里侬是个本笃会修土。1688年,他被任命为香槟区奥特维雷道院的司库。Pierre Perignon was a Benedictine monk who, in 1688, was appointed treasurer at the Abbey of Hautillers in Champagne.

是一个酿造业中心,002年由在此修建大型修道院的本笃会修道士始建。It is the center of a brewing industry begun by Benedictine monks who built an abbey on the site in 002. Population, 48,500.

可以看到整张影像的边缘就是伊尔松修道院的庭院,它是一所修建于公元830年的本笃会修道院。Visible around the entire image edge is the courtyard of Hirsau Abbey, once a Benedictine Monastery founded in the year 830.