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我发现这里亚洲商店所卖的东西比林茨卖的还要便宜得多。I found the goods in the Naschmark Asian shop was much more cheaper than the ones in Linz.

1952年在奥地利的林茨和德那维茨两地诞生了一种炼钢方法。In 1952 in the austrian towns of Linz and Donawitz, a steelmaking process was established.

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正在林茨举行的名为“元首的文化之都”的展览检视的就是林茨历史上的这一页。Linz is now examining this page of its past in an exhibition called the Fuhrer's Capital of Culture.

希特勒规划中的林茨最闪光之处是一座可以与巴黎卢浮宫和意大利乌非兹媲美的大型美术馆。The high point of Hitler's Linz was to be a huge art museum to rival galleries like the Louvre or the Uffizi.

第三帝国统治林茨时还只是一个孩子的Ingrid说,这次展览映现出了她自己关于那个时代的记忆。Ingrid, who was a child in Linz during the Third Reich, says the exhibition reflects her own memories of the period.

基地在意大利的第456轰炸机群刚刚飞进奥地利。他们要轰炸多瑙河沿岸位于林滋的铁路工厂。The 456th Bomber Group, based in Italy, had gone into Austria. They had hit the railroad yards at Linz along the Danube River.

昨天在林兹的胜利不能和罗兰加罗斯相比,但是我想在心理上的作用和那个是一样的吧。Yesterday's victory in Linz cannot be compared to Roland Garros, but I think it means psychologically almost as much as that one.

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该项目涉及到其他一些建筑物,都是位于林茨大学校园内现有的建筑物。The program involved designing several individual buildings which would be interwoven as well as tied to the existing University of Linz campus.

没有战斗,警卫旗队和元首进入了林茨和维也纳,在那里他接受了奥地利人群的欢呼。There was no fighting, and the Leibstandarte was able to shepherd a grateful Führer into Linz and Vienna, where he was mobbed by happy crowds of Austrians.

被任命为奥地利林茨教区的助理主教,神父瓦格纳还指责流行的哈利波特书籍和“散布撒旦教”的电影。Father Wagner, who has been appointed as auxiliary Bishop of Linz in Austria, has also accused the popular Harry Potter books and films of "spreading Satanism".

奥地利北部林茨西南的一城市。它的历史悠久,是农业市场和制造工业中心。人口5,0'0。A city of northern Austria southwest of Linz. On a site occupied since ancient times, it is an agricultural market and a manufacturing center. Population, 5,0'0.

设计目标是对现有的学校进行改建和扩建,这是位于林茨中心的在1970年代由预制混凝土板搭建而成的建筑。The objective was the redevelopment and extension of an existing school – a building made from prefabricated concrete slabs in the 1970s – in the centre of Linz.

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两位设计者的作品在大赛上出尽了风头,接着又在欧洲各地巡回展览,包括格勒诺布尔、威尼斯、维也纳、林茨和布鲁塞尔。Their pallet house design stole the show and has since gone on to be displayed in many locations around Europe, including Grenoble, Venice, Vienna, Linz and Brussels.

奥地利的一些部门预计火山灰将在周六抵达奥地利,维也纳、萨尔茨堡和林兹等地的一些重要机场可能会暂时关闭。Some Austrian authorities expect that the volcanic ash will arrive in Austria on Saturday and some important airports like Vienna, Salzburg, and Linz may temporarily be closed.

物理学家,医药研究科学家,分子生物学家和结构化学分析师们都能在林茨大学的年度讨论会上获得非常有价值的经验。Biophysicists, pharmaceutical research scientists, molecular biologists and structural biochemists , in particular, find our annual workshop in Linz to be a valuable experience.

自然的,在多哈有最好的八名选手,每场比赛都会是很艰难的,但是我想享受我在场上的时光,就像我在林兹和苏黎世做到的那样,我们就会看到它是怎样发展的。Naturally, there will be the best eight players and every match will be a tough one, but I want to enjoy my time on the court like I did in Linz and Zurich and we'll see how it goes.