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李璧琦和我在台上。Becky and I on stage.

跟我说话的人是贝基·布朗吗?Am I talking to Becky Brown?

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在洒店里,安妮打电话给贝姬。In hotel, Annie is calling Becky.

每天上午,贝基.齐格尔都会感到十分焦虑、坐立不安。Every morning, Becky Ziegel gets anxious.

凭我记忆,它是由贝基王创办的。I remember, it was started by Becky Wang.

“没事,”贝姬回答,“我明白。”"That's ok, " Becky replied. "I understand.

所以你跟贝姬什麽时候要结婚啊?So when are you and Becky gonna tie the knot?

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Becky和狱警Stolte走进狱长办公室。Becky and C.O. Stolte walk into Pope’s office.

贝基笑着向儿子传授一些母亲的智慧。Chuckling, Becky imparts some motherly wisdom.

“汤姆,我也很高兴见到你。”贝姬说。Tom, I am happy to see you, too, " said Becky ."

九年后,彼得和贝基成为伴侣。Nine years later Peter and Becky became partners.

这时贝基又开始建议继续往前走。By-and-by becky suggested that they move on again.

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课间休息时,贝奇和我一起去了树林。At play-time, Becky and I went to the wood together.

贝姬还能清晰地记起初次见面的情景。Becky could still recall that first meeting clearly.

贝基在渔民之家一住就是5个月。Becky had been living at Fisher House for five months.

贝基在学校很守规矩,但是亚当很调皮。Becky was well-behaved at school but Adam was naughty.

贝基戈因斯了来访的弗吉尼亚海滩,弗吉尼亚州。Becky Goins was visiting from Virginia Beach, Virginia.

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孙林走出来,遇见理好新发型的贝基。Sun Lin comes out and meets Becky who has a new hair-do.

贝基很高兴地看到泰逐步走向独立。Becky was delighted to see Ty moving toward independence.

幸运的是,贝基拥有全家人鼎力支持的幸福。Fortunately, Becky was blessed with strong family support.