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他谎报了他的年龄。He storied about his age.

长时间工作自有其的历史。Long work has a storied history.

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通用汽车是一个伟大的公司,拥有传奇的历史。GM is a great company with a storied history.

这个楼能住五百人。The storied building can hold 500 residences.

一座二十层的高楼高耸于城的上空。A twenty storied building springs high above the city.

美国最负盛名的几家投资银行破产。The implosion of America's most storied investment banks.

激烈的战斗在旧加格拉进行,破坏了这座城市传奇的度假名胜。Fighting raged in Old Gagra, wrecking the city's storied resorts.

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郭跃早已在乒乓球这个中国最有名的运动上留下了自己的大名。Guo Yue has already made a mark on one of China's most storied sports.

这个五层楼高的工寮里,住着近210户人家。This colony, a five storied building, alone houses nearly 210 families.

以乳制品业为主的佛蒙特州拥有历史悠久且颇负盛名的乳酪制造业。Dairy-dominated Vermont has a long and storied history of cheese making.

相传其显灵说法的道场在浙江普陀山。It is storied that Mahasthamaprapta preached in Putuo Mount of Zhejiang.

该文分析殿阁式楼阁建筑的结构形成及其稳定方式。This paper analyzes the form and stable of the Diange storied building structure.

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周一早上华尔街“苏醒”时,两家甚至更多的富有传奇色彩的公司已经消失。When Wall Street woke up Monday morning, two more of its storied firms had vanished.

归根结底,滑铁卢战役为拿破仑充满传奇的军事生涯画上了句号。Ultimately, the Battle of Waterloo marked the end of Na?poleon's storied military career.

这一次,我们在纽约的一家著名的意大利奶酪熏肉店意外重逢。We were meeting again at a storied cheese and meat shop in what was left of Little Italy.

考虑到这两家公司深层次的、传奇化的对抗,这并不出奇。That's not too unusual, considering the deep and storied rivalry between the two companies.

在上海,没有其他的地方像和平饭店一样,自己的兴衰与整座城市的传奇历史有如此紧密的联系。There is no other landmark in Shanghai so closely associated with the city's storied history.

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目的寻找一种适合于有效控制商住楼德国小蠊的方法。Objective To look for an effective method for killing Blattella germanica in storied building.

这首诗中所写的塔原是南京市东郊的灵谷塔。This was originally inspired by the nine- storied pagoda on the eastern suburb of Nanjing, China.

随同华尔街最负盛名的一些公司,资本主义的某些幻象也轰然崩塌。Along with some of Wall Street's most storied firms, a certain vision of capitalism has collapsed.