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这份报纸要八便士。This newspaper costs 8p.

把网页设计成一份报纸。Web-site as a newspaper.

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用白报纸把它包起来。Wrap it up in newspaper.

我印了这张报纸。I printed this newspaper.

但是报纸摇摆不定。But the newspaper wavered.

这是一份家庭报纸。This is a family newspaper.

你把我的报纸弄皱了。You've creased my newspaper.

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这是你的报纸和信件。Your newspaper and your post.

他连报也看不懂。He can't even read a newspaper.

看。我看英文报,不看中文报。I don't read Chinese newspaper.

你订什么报?Which newspaper do you take in?

我的朋友在一家报社工作。My friend works for a newspaper.

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您现在每天读报吗?Do you read a newspaper everyday?

把所有盘子用报纸包好。Fold all the dishes in newspaper.

我用报纸权充窗帘。Newspaper serves me as a curtain.

这篇新闻报道是署名的。The newspaper report was bylined.

他停下来买了一张报纸。He stopped and bought a newspaper.

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他向报社投了一篇诗稿。He contributed poem to a newspaper.

报纸对新税法进行了抨击。The newspaper attacked the new tax.

我们在用报纸制作花盆。We are making newspaper flowerpots.