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含有鸦片酊的饮料。A drink laced with laudanum.

他的制服上镶有金色饰带。His uniform is laced with gold.

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女孩的衬衣衣领饰有花边。The girl's shirt collar is laced.

他喜欢加了威士忌的咖啡。He likes coffee laced with whiskey.

然后他系好鞋带回家去。Then he laced up his shoes and went home.

食品杂货店被刷成红黄相间的颜色。The grocery was laced with red and yellow.

女孩喜欢镶有银边的裙子。The girl is fond of shirts laced with silver.

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调查报告中有谎言。The investigation report was laced with lies.

对我来说,伟大的真理都与歇斯底里有关。For me the great truths are laced with hysteria.

肯定有人在我的雪茄中加了少量的土的宁。Someone must have laced my cigars with strychnine.

它们被布满诱饵的长长的鱼线缠住无法脱身。Many get tangled in mile-long lines laced with bait.

饵的长长的鱼线缠住无法脱身。Many get tangled in mile-long lines laced with bait.

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旋臂是边缘覆有尘埃的星流和气流。The arms are streams of stars and gas laced with dust.

在过去,妇女束腰时髦。It was fashionable in the past that women were laced in.

帆布边沿上有扣眼,用绳子穿过绑着。It had grummets and was laced down at the edge with cord.

是啊,他们都含有三聚氰胺,不学无术。Yeah, and they are all laced with melamine, you ignoramus.

中国龙把毒爪伸向南海。Dragon is spreading its poison laced claws in the south sea.

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国会议员谴责政府腐败。The congressman laced into the government for being corrupt.

1954年,图灵在吃下了粘有有氰化物的苹果之后与世长辞。Turing died after eating an apple laced with cyanide in 1954.

他用强有力的诺曼政府代替了软弱的萨克逊政府。He rep laced the weak Saxon rule with a strong Norman government.