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英国的桑德赫斯特和美国的西点都是军事学院。Sandhurst In England and West Point in the U. S. are military academies.

录像拍摄于哈里王子在桑赫斯特军事学院做学生时期。The video reportedly shows Harry while still an officer cadet at Sandhurst military academy.

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他同时宣布计划在阿富汗建立和英国皇家桑赫斯特军校相同模式的军校。He also announced a plan to build a military academy in Afghanistan modeled after England's Sandhurst Academy.

一名来自阿富汗的非法移民,在搭乘一辆英国陆军客车偷渡后,被人发现藏身在桑德赫斯特军校内。An illegal immigrant from Afghanistan was found inside Sandhurst military academy after stowing away on an Army coach.

所有桑德赫斯特的军官候选人都必须参与一项冒险的训练课程,不管是水肺潜水、驾驶帆船或攀岩。All Sandhurst officer candidates have to take part in an adventurist training course, be it scuba diving, sailing or rock climbing.

威廉王子这个月早些时候从桑赫斯特军事学院毕业,这在很多方面都突出了他平民化的成功。In many ways, Prince's William's graduation from Sandhurst Military Academy earlier this month highlighted his battle for normality.

哈里王子去年从英国桑赫斯特皇家军事学院毕业后多次表示希望和自己的部队一起前往伊拉克。After graduating from Britain's Sandhurst Military Academy last year, the prince has repeatedly expre ed his wish to accompany his regiment to Iraq.

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哈里王子去年从英国桑赫斯特皇傢军事学院毕业后多次表示希望和自己的部队一起前往伊拉克。After graduating from Britain's Sandhurst Military Academy last year, the prince has repeatedly expressed his wish to accompany his regiment to Iraq.

他表示,为反映陆军对军官发展态度的转变,课程在2002年做了调整,桑德赫斯特皇家军事学院将作为终身发展计划的基础和起点。The course changed in 2002, he says, to reflect a new attitude in the Army towards officer development, with Sandhurst as the foundation and starting point of a life-long process.

王子自极负盛名的桑德赫斯特军校毕业以来,英国军方一直苦恼该将他如何部署才好。The revelation drew immediate criticism from the British military, which has struggled with how to deploy the prince since he graduated from the prestigious Sandhurst military academy.

当年轻军官晋升为上尉、少校或更高军衔时,他们将接受进一步培训,内容不仅包括军事技能,还包括植根于桑德赫斯特的核心价值观。As the young officer progresses to the rank of captain, major and perhaps beyond, there will be further teaching, not only of military skills but also the core values instilled at Sandhurst.

“如果我从桑赫斯特毕业后自己呆在国内,而我的同伴却远赴海外为国而战,这是绝对不行的,”他在自己21岁生日接受采访时说道。"There's no way I'm going to put myself through Sandhurst and then sit on my arse back home while my boys are out fighting for their country, " he said in an interview to mark his 21st birthday.