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你心怀不满。You harbor grudges.

这是个天然港。It is a natural harbor.

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这里是基姆湖港口。Here is Chiemsee harbor.

肥皂能孳生细菌。Bar soaps can harbor germs.

它是雅典的港口城。It is the harbor of Athens.

这是一个不冻港。This is an ice free harbor.

港都的面貌如何?What are harbor cities like?

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不要心怀不轨。Don't harbor unkind thoughts.

此港可容纳四艘船。The harbor admits four ships.

我对自己能力的疑虑怎么想的?What self-doubts do I harbor?

没错儿,那是吐露港。You're right, it's Tolo Harbor.

这艘船摇摇晃晃驶进港口。The boat limped into the harbor.

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这个港口是天然港。This harbor is a natural harbor.

湛江是一个不冻港。Zhanjiang is an ice-free harbor.

高雄港就在您的左边。Kaohsiung Harbor is on your left.

这辆车通到海港。This bus line goes to the harbor.

他给我们的船引航出了港口。He piloted the boat out of harbor.

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他将船驶进港内。He steered his boat into the harbor.

家就是你的城堡和避风港。Home is your alcazar and safe harbor.

灯光引导他们驶回港口。The light guided them back to harbor.