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在他面前,自己是从不设防的。In front of him, own are from undefended.

在他面前,自己是从不设防的。In front of him , he comes from undefended.

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在他面前自己从不设防。In front of him themselves from undefended.

在他面前,自己是从不设防的。In front of him , oneself are from undefended.

该海岸未设防,易受攻击。The coast was undefended and lay open to attack.

它唯一没有防备的地方是它没有甲片保护的腹部。It's single undefended spot is its fleshy, armor-less underside.

在这样的人面前,我是不设防的完全真实的自我。In the face of such a person, I was completely undefended real self.

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赢得一颗没有谈过恋爱的心,这就等于进入一个没有设防的城市。To capture a heart unused to attack is like walking into an open, undefended city.

他说,“那个时代的真相是穿着盔甲的男人四处游荡,暴打毫无还手之力的人。The reality of the time was of men clad in armour going around beating up undefended people.

美国人与加拿大人有一种特殊的关系。美加两国的边界是世界上最长的不设防边界。Americans have a special relationship with Canadians with whom they share the world's longest undefended border.

它最初建造用途是一座没有围墙的住宅,但随着盎格鲁-苏格兰战争的爆发,几乎一夜之间就被修筑加固。It was originally built as an undefended residence, but almost immediately fortified on the outbreak of Anglo-Scottish warfare.

是的,一点一滴地叙述,那撞击我们心灵的东西在你不设防间直触你的内心深处。Yes, every little bit of narrative, the impact of our hearts that things in direct contravention of your undefended between your hearts.

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在英格兰,简单的民事诉讼,例如,诸如无抗辩离婚等家庭问题,通常在裁判法院或县法院审理。In England, simple civil actions, for example family matters such as undefended divorce, are normally heard in either the Magistrates' Courts or County Courts.

根据战斗集群反馈,一个营的GDI军队在今天杀进了一座无防备的变异人居住营,杀死了这里本就不多的全部长期受苦的被遗忘者。Battle group response has reported that a GDI battalion rolled into an undefended mutant camp today. Killing all but a few the long suffering Forgotten who lived there.

而广大农村,在突发公共事件应对和处置方面,基本上处于不设防的状态,遇到问题再临时处理。But the vast countryside area basically is at the undefended condition at the coping and handing aspect of the burst characteristics public event, and temporarily processes the question again.

我们的阳台通常都和邻家的紧紧相连,只有一个象征性的低低的水泥遮挡,一抬脚就可以跨过去,我们走东家串西家,有时候就是通过这不设防的阳台。Our balcony is usually closely linked and my neighbor's, only a symbolic suspicious cement block, a squat can be cross-over, we go home boss string West, sometimes through the undefended balcony.