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赘言的第一步要提高你的词汇量。The first step toward verbosity is improving your vocabulary.

提供一些赘言水平给一种较好的使用者经验。Provides several verbosity levels for a better user experience.

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这里告诫翻译人员不允许冗长这一事实。Here, the translator is alerted to the fact that verbosity is not allowed.

稍微增加了GDFS初始化错误操作码的冗长度。Slightly increased verbosity of GDFS access initialization error handling code.

但累赘的好处是程序员可以轻松读懂自己之前写的代码。However, the benefit of verbosity is that people are also able to read what they've written.

这种情形一般可以描述为冗长与灵活性之间的权衡。This situation can be characterised generally as a trade-off between verbosity and flexiblity.

有些英文简历和密密麻麻的那些恰恰相反,就是在简历里留了太多的空白。The opposite problem of verbosity that many encounter is the problem of leaving too much open space.

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类型推断能显著地减少代码的长度,使得代码更像是用动态语言编写出来的。Type inference reduces verbosity significantly, making the code feel more like code written in a dynamic language.

你花一些时间预先把所有的详细程度,但是最终的结果是很好的格式化的联机帮助。You spend some time up-front putting up with all the verbosity , but the end result is nicely formatted online help.

需要赘言的是,有许多患者用药以后易于产生恶心呕吐的反应。Those who need verbosity is, have the reaction that disgusting sickness produces easily after a lot of patients use drug.

命令,让变化的重要设置的飞行,如键盘回声,标点符号一级,赘言一级,语速和音量。Commands that allow changing of important settings on the fly, such as keyboard echo, punctuation level, verbosity level, speech rate and volume.

许多开发者发现静态语言太过冗长,抱怨静态类型是冗长的元凶,而事实上真正的原因是缺少类型推断。Many developers who find static languages too verbose often blame static typing for the verbosity when the real problem is a lack of type inference.

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在减少代码冗长方面这算是向前迈了很大的一步,但还不算是更加抽象——其依然迫使用户命令式地计算比较函数。This is a big step forward in reducing verbosity but is still not any more abstract — it still forces the user to calculate the comparison function imperatively.

此组件用于在它成为关注焦点时相应地显示单个数据元素的大部分信息。Detailed information. This component displays most of the information of a single data element with the verbosity appropriate for when it is the center of attention.

此组件用于在它不受关注时相应地显示单个数据元素的某些信息。Summary information. This component displays some of the information of a single data element with the verbosity appropriate for when it is on the periphery of attention.