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但是他们有短波接收器。But they do have shortwave receivers.

本文主要研究了短波多音并行调制解调器。This paper investigates the shortwave multitone parallel modem.

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短波收音机如今看来可能像是一种很古老的技术。A shortwave radio might seem like ancient technology these days.

我独自一人,但我并不寂寞,因为我有一个短波收音机。I am alone, but I'm not lonely at all, for I've got a shortwave radio.

她通过看书和听无线广播来消磨时间。She passed the time by reading books and listening to shortwave radios.

在线收听CVC的音乐节目,体验短波收音机也可以收听的互联网音乐。Online Music from CVC, experience streaming media reachable also by shortwave radio.

朝鲜会朝鲜不断干扰外国短波广播的信号,包括海风电台的。As with many of the other shortwave broadcasts, North Korea often jams Shiokaze’s signal.

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国会砍掉了短波广播,只为节省国防部一个小时的开支。Congress cuts shortwave broadcasts to save the equivalent of one hour of the defense budget.

广告里经常用一些故作神秘的缩略词,颇有冷战时期短波电台暗语播报的氛围。Mysterious acronyms give the ads the flavor of coded Cold War era shortwave radio broadcasts.

该组织为世界上一些最贫穷地区的学校和社区提供短波收音机。It provides shortwave radios to schools and communities in some of the poorest areas of the world.

艾伯特车上装有一个短波无线电,他呼叫警察,向他报告说,后方三英里处发生了一起严重的撞车事故。Ebbert had a shortwave radio, so he called the police to report a serious car wreck three miles behind.

本文针对短波高速跳频通信系统的同步捕获技术做了详细的研究。In this paper, we focus on shortwave fast frequency-hopping system synchronization acquisition techniques.

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提出了一种适应于短波窄带信道的自同步音频水印算法。This article presents a novel self-synchronizing audio watermark algorithm for shortwave narrow band channel.

介绍了利用改进型的时间相关算法进行短波非正交跳频网台信号分选的方法。Shortwave non-orthodox frequency-hopped signal selection by improved time correlation arithmetic is introduced.

南极北京是我国目前最长的短波通信线路之一。The shortwave radiocommunication between Antarctica and Beij- ing is the longest link at present time in China.

我租了一个短波收音机,租金不贵,但需要支付50英镑的押金,这对我来说可是一大笔钱。I rented a shortwave radio, which wasn’t too expensive but required a fifty-pound deposit, a lot of money for me.

休假归来后我马上购买了自己的第一台短波收音机——一台手动调谐的根德YB-235。Shortly after I returned from the vacation I purchased my first shortwave receiver. It was an analog Grundig YB-235.

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从陆地到空中,从船只到海岸,短波广播和无线爱好者的通讯在磁暴期间很容易中断。Ground to air, ship to shore, shortwave broadcast and amateur radio are vulnerable to disruption during geomagnetic storms.

使用借来的已经去世的加拿大人身份证件,他们伪造护照,利用短波脉冲发射设备传递信息或者是用隐形墨水书写重要情报。An identity borrowed from a dead Canadian, forged passports, messages sent by shortwave burst transmission or in invisible ink.

本课题是研究短波通信中莫尔斯信号的自动检测和识别。This thesis researches the auto-detection and recognize of morse signal which is simple and applied in the shortwave communication.