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肠子在他的伞兵衣上摇晃。Intestines were a-dangling from his paratrooper suit.

新来的伞兵几乎是被踢出机舱的。The new paratrooper was almost kicked out of the cabin.

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就不能找个可人又苗条的女伞兵?Is it impossible to find a lovely, slender female paratrooper?

保罗在军队服役作伞兵时失去了右腿。Paul lost his right leg when he served in the army as a paratrooper.

列兵派康提,你是学伞兵吧裤子塞进靴子里了?Private perconte, have you been blousing your trousers over your boots like a paratrooper?

理查德决定要进入跳伞学校学习,成为空军82师的一名伞兵。Richard decided to attend jump school and become a paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne Division.

那个就坐在我旁边的家伙,竟然是诺曼底登陆时的一个伞兵!The guy in the next seat on the sports desk, a paratrooper on the day of the Normandy invasion.

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我在以色烈当伞兵时,一次,有个将军来给我们讲实战战术。When I was an Israeli paratrooper a general stopped by to give us a little speech about strategy.

我们都穿着伞兵特战服,在抵达前线后还是崭新的。We were wearing the special uniform for paratrooper and still fresh just after arrived at the front.

在8月20日那晚,这名前伞兵引发的事件被许多人视为一场流血冲突的关键一环。The night of Aug. 20, the former paratrooper triggered what many consider a pivotal spasm of bloodshed.

它能使一名伞兵头脑紊乱到如此程度,他被发现他穿者制服,抽着雪茄在洗澡。It so disorientated one paratrooper that he was found taking a shower in his uniform and smoking a cigar.

除了梅斯•温杜之外,他们也听命于一名盔甲类似于克隆人伞兵的一位克隆人长官。Other than Mace Windu, they followed a clone commander that had armor similar to that of a clone paratrooper.

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我知道,就在前几年,他是军队的一名伞兵,也参与了反攻巴尔吉之战。I had learned only a few years earlier that he was a paratrooper in the Army and fought in the Battle of the Bulge.

它的命名是为了纪念二战中牺牲的第一个美国伞兵、第82空降师的二等兵约翰。T。John T. Mackall of the 82nd Airborne Division, the first American paratrooper to be killed in combat in World War Two.

碰撞地面运动的特别行动伞兵靴,额外高度的靴筒提供对踝部的支撑和保暖,全长度侧链能快速的脱卸和穿上。Hit the ground running in these specially designed paratrooper boots with extra high ankle support and snug, long lacing.

每位伞兵必须正确得脱离模拟装置台,加速、取出枪,准备好射击。Each paratrooper must correctly leave the platform of the simulator, gain speed, take out a gun and get ready for shooting.

你是对的,虎妈妈.最后我访问一个可怕的以色列伞兵,他的故事改变我对世界看法.我归功于你的经验.You were right, Tiger Mom. In the end, I interviewed a terrifying Israeli paratrooper whose story changed my outlook on life.

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野田佳彦是自卫队一名伞兵的儿子,已婚,是两个孩子的父亲。政治观点上,他持明显的保守立场。The son of a paratrooper in the Self-Defence Forces, Noda, a married father of two, holds broadly conservative political views.

昨天发生的意外事件中,美军第八十二空降师的一名伞兵在东部柯斯特镇附近遭一名狙击手击伤。In the incident of yesterday, a paratrooper of NO. 82 Airborne Division of the U. S. army was shot by a sniper near Khowst in the east.

娄后来在1955年前加入招募作为陆军第82空降师,在所有的美国人伞兵旅行者的朝圣者。Lou later joined The Pilgrim Travelers before enlisting in 1955 as a paratrooper in the Army's 82nd Airborne Division, The All Americans.