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然后他冲向冰箱。Then he slunk to the icebox.

我们偷偷潜回了修行中心。And so we slunk into the retreat center.

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老女巫鬼鬼崇崇地走进来,冷冷一笑。The old sorceress slunk in with a sneering smile.

他偷偷溜进父母的房间而且拿走了车钥匙。He slunk into his parent's room and took the car keys.

当黑暗下滑,不快乐的动物进入矮树丛之内偷偷地走离开了。As darkness fell, the unhappy animals slunk away into the bush.

被击败的军队偷偷潜回到它在山里的据点里。The defeated army slunk back to its strongholds in the mountains.

艾奇悄悄地沿着吧台而走,凝视着他的偶像,呼吸加速。Ikey slunk along the bar and gazed, breath-quickened, at his idol.

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我们偷偷地溜出会议室而且在没有人注意下离开了。We slunk out of the meeting room and left without anyone noticing.

当我到达学校,我偷偷溜出汽车,就像是士兵在战场上。When we arrived at school, I slunk from the car like a soldier in the brush.

地狱恶犬继续靠近,终于意识到这些声音来自地下的一个大坑里。The hound slunk closer, and realized that the voices were coming from a hole in the ground.

这个农村生活最后的残余物已自甘失败,羞愧地、偷偷地退出了我们的生活。This last vestige of rural life has since owned defeat and slunk away ashamed and unnoticed.

然后,泡沫终于破裂,乔治.W.布什溜到德州,留给奥巴马一个乱摊子。Then it did burst, and George W. Bush slunk off to Texas, leaving Barack Obama to clean up the mess.

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她一时害羞就悄悄溜走了,直到她的主人不停地安慰她,才感觉好一些。She slunk out in temporary shame until her owner made enough goo-goo over her that she started to feel better.

她拿出新买回的药丸,令她惊讶的是——几乎震惊的——头疼的毛病逃跑了,偷偷溜走了。She took one of her new pills, and to her surprise -- almost shock -- the headache turned tail and slunk away.

他们宣称阿富汗文化已经慢慢走向民主国家的自由媒体,流行音乐和时尚潮流。Afghan culture has slunk towards a wanna-be democracy comprising free media, pop music and fashion, they claim.

当晚他和女儿两个悄悄的溜之大吉,不敢再盘踞在女王的克劳莱大厦了。He and his daughter slunk off silently through the night, and gave up possession of the house of Queen's Crawley.

伴着蜡烛还有不见停息的雨,他们在这恐怖的情况下妥协了,纷纷上床睡觉。Once the excitement of candles and no showers had waned, the horror of the situation sank in and they slunk off to bed.

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然而他的声音激惹了这两个机器猛兽,它们双双朝前踏来,竹节状的尾巴猛烈抽打,随时都会跃来。Somehow, his voice triggered the Robotech beasts, and they both slunk forward, segmented tails lashing, preparing to spring.

两点钟的时候,强盗甲走进了银行。乔治知道他是抢银行的强盗,原因之一是他进来时鬼鬼祟祟,二是他戴着面具。At two o'clock Bank Robber A walked in. George knew he was a bank robber. For one thing, he slunk in. For another thing, he wore a mask.

电影的名字起初是指一个被偷的钻石,但那只偷偷溜过银幕片头工作人员名单的正字标记粉红猫咪很快就成为众所周知的“粉红豹”。However, it wasn't long before the signature pink cat that slunk across the screen in the opening credits came to be known as the Pink Panther.