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我的帽子有一个黑色的穗子。I got one with a black tassel.

与清楚的水晶小珠的缨子口音。Tassel accent with clear crystal beads. Article no.

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深夜,宝络来到白流苏屋内。Late at night, treasure complex to white tassel house.

一只猫中邪了,眼睛紧紧地盯着师父帽子上的流苏。A cat is gone evil, staring at the tassel on Master's cap.

那粉红色流苏短节目是非常酷,我想。That short program with the pink tassel was very cool, I thought.

科学家是杰瑞•迈睿门,詹姆斯•太舍以及杰克•基尔比。The scientists were Jerry Merryman, James Van Tassel and Jack Kilby.

这些科学家是杰利马瑞曼,詹姆斯范塔索和杰克基拜。The scientists were Jerry Merryman , James Van Tassel and Jack Kilby.

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流苏万分悲痛,深深自责,任凭柳原怎么劝也无济于事。Tassel very grief, deep remorse, let LiuYuan how advise also of no help.

他想象着自己就是范·塔塞尔农场的主人,而卡特里娜则是他的妻子。He saw himself as master of the Van Tassel farm with Katrina as his wife.

白流苏自从去学跳舞后,改变了很多,宝络羡慕不已。White tassel since to learn dancing, changed a lot, treasure complex envy.

为迎接知识经济的到来,必须未雨绸缨。To salute the advent of intellectual economy, must not pluvial silken tassel.

秋日的一天,爱查宝德应邀去卡特瑞娜家参加一个大型晚会。One day in autumn Ichabod was asked to come to a big party at the Van Tassel home.

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俯视洛阳川,茫茫走胡兵。流血涂野草,豺狼尽冠缨。Overlooking Luoyang, the vast Hu Bing. The bleeding of weeds, as the crown tassel.

用银边、银钉装饰,最后打上丝穗。They were embellished with silver lace, tacks, and were finished with a silk tassel.

白流苏回门那天,唐家备了厚礼,给白家的每个人都带了礼物。White tassel HuiMen that day, the TangGuBei gift to White House everyone bring gifts.

唯一特别的就是装饰我的毕业帽,然后把流苏拨到另外一边。The only special things I did were decorate my cap and move my tassel to the other side.

部分果穗性状的GCA有所增加,但行粒数、百粒重和雄穗的GCA降低。GCA of some yield component traits also increased, but GCA of tassel characters decreased.

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很多小孩在农场掰玉米,摘黄瓜,收获任何成熟的农作物。A lot of the kids would tassel corn, pick cucumbers or whatever crop was ripe for the picking.

白流苏在陌生和惊恐中无端落泪,在唐家的日子就这样开始了。In a strange white tassel and panic in endless tears, in the days of wealthy tangs it started.

徐先生来接范柳原他们到浅水湾旅馆住,流苏坚持把两个小女孩带去。Mr Xu to meet FanLiu original them to repulse bay hotel, tassel insist that two little girls away.