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微面露后部切。Slightly cheeky rear cut.

你这个无耻小友!You cheeky little fellow!

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这个购物袋可真下流!How cheeky is this shopping bag?

不要向我伸舌头,你这个没规矩的丫头!Don't put out your tongue at me, you cheeky girl!

如果你再死不要脸,我就给你一拳。If you don't stop being cheeky , I'll land you one.

并且网站厚颜无耻并自信满满地往它们的伤口上撒盐。And the site's cheeky bravado rubs salt in the wounds.

全校师生都怀念他开朗的笑容。The whole school community will miss Sam's cheeky smile.

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他带着赖皮的笑容说︰「这个我们永不会知道,对不对?」He said, with a cheeky grin, "We'll never know, will we?""

Walters早把它给了一些厚脸皮的孩子,他们已经先要先得了。Walters had already given it to some cheeky kid who’d asked for it first.

如果你想和女人调情并让们被你吸引,那就要把脸皮放厚点。If you want to flirt with women and get them attracted to you, be CHEEKY !

这使得成为或拥有“时尚警察”的搞笑想法很荒谬?This makes the cheeky idea of being or having "fashion police" ridiculous?

无耻的奇门普在廉价巧克力片店扔廉价巧克力片。Cheeky chimp chucked cheap chocolate chips in the cheap chocolate chip shop.

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Pushkin是一只快乐而无礼的熊,有着和普希金一样的大胡子。Pushkin is a cheerful and cheeky young bear with Pushkin-like side whiskers.

一个厚脸皮的黑猩猩在廉价的巧克片商店丢了廉价的巧克力片。A cheeky chimp chucked cheap chocolate chips in the cheap chocolate chip shop.

詹金斯赢得一个外号“经营者”,因为“他厚脸皮的骄傲自大。Jenkins earned the nickname "Smooth Operator" because of "his cheeky cockiness.

这款机器人能说15种语言,有着顽皮的幽默感,而且甚至还会诙谐地模仿名人的声音与动作习惯。He speaks 15 languages, has a cheeky sense of humour and can even do impressions.

哦面露面露哦顽皮鬼祟你是如此敏锐的我不知道你怎么知道。Oh cheeky cheeky Oh naughty sneaky You're so perceptive And I wonder how you knew.

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你当然不会去思考他们的要求是冒失无礼的或者是出自一个普通人的。You certainly wouldn’t think that their request was cheeky or out of the ordinary.

你可以在发怒的傅满洲与马格纳姆、暧昧的穆斯塔法与卓别林以及大胆的莫里斯与波洛中自由选择。choose between feisty fu-magnum, ambigues mustafa-chaplin and cheeky maurice-poirot!

战略地位和时髦纵横交错的细节展示。Strategically placed bows and sassy criss-cross detailing feature in the cheeky Edith.