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红旗迎风招展如何表达?The red flag flaunt in the wind.

要炫耀,然后跟全世界分享。Flaunt it and share it with the world!

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他向他的朋友炫濯他的奖杯。The baseballer flaunt his cup to his friends.

确定你张扬着自己匀称的身体和惊人的肌肉。Make sure to flaunt your well-tones body and fabulous muscles.

看见金正日炫耀其核爆试验,中俄都不会高兴。Neither Russia nor China is happy to see Mr Kim flaunt his bombs.

请到山东国际标榜美容化妆学校!Please go to the Shandong international flaunt cosmetology school!

如果你已经取得了一定的成绩,别去炫耀,真诚地与别人分享你的经验。Once you have a bit of success don’t flaunt it but let other people know.

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我也相信那些炫耀他们裸体的人是自私的不体谅人的。I also believe those who flaunt their nudity are inconsiderate and selfish.

一个成功的对他人有影响力的人会向他人展示自己的知识来营造他们这种权威效应。Successful influencers flaunt their knowledge to establish their expertise.

今天就教大家不用丰唇手术,只要得你的嘴唇美个容就可以让你拥有魅惑的翘唇。You too can flaunt a pouty lip, not with surgery but with the right lip makeup.

匹配的一套穿耳环也标榜二辉煌的切明确的晶体。The matching set of pierced earrings also flaunt 2 brilliant-cut clear crystals.

它并非一种从外表上就可以观察到的特征,除非你刻意标榜自己。And it’s not an externally observable characteristic unless you want to flaunt it.

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掌握了最热门的发带趋势,你就可以去炫耀你独特的配饰技巧啦。Flaunt your unique accessorizing skills by nailing down the hottest headband trends.

一旦你知道你的品牌意味着什么以及品牌承诺,就别害怕炫耀。Once you know what your brand stands for and promises, don’t be afraid to flaunt it.

于是我记住了第二句关于“炫耀”的话——不要总是炫耀自己。Then I remember the second sentence about "show" words -- don't always flaunt himself.

不会炫耀他的新玩意,即使有多么贵重或多么尖端。doesn't flaunt his newest gadgets, no matter how expensive or cutting-edge they may be.

中国把世博会看成是2008年北京奥运会来炫耀它的力量的一种机会。China sees the Expo, like the 2008 Beijing Olympics, as a chance to flaunt its strength.

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不过,这些奈米微晶让这两位研究者得以炫耀这一类的奈米图案化技术。But the nanocrystals enabled the pair of researchers to flaunt this type of nano patterning.

总之,炫耀除了虚伪或者让人厌恶,其它什么也没带给你,它只不过是个祸害。Anyhow, you can benefit nothing from flaunt except falsity or disgust, it is only a disaster.

炫耀,只是将现有的某种东西无限放大来遮掩内心空虚的一种表现。Flaunt is just a display which enlarge something boundlessly to gloss over the void in heart.