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你能帮助我下吗,桑迪?Could you help me, Sandy?

桑迪擅长于英语。Sandy does well in English.

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桑迪唱得比爱迪好。Sandy sings better than Ed.

我通常去桑迪海滩。I usually go to Sandy Beach.

桑迪也参加了宴会。Sandy was also at the party.

桑迪和苏也挤进了人群。Sandy and Sue joined the crowd.

桑迪乘吉普车穿越沙漠。Sandy crosses the desert by jeep.

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有一个沙底要疏浚。There is a sandy bottom to dredge.

骑骆驼穿越沙漠。Ride a camel across a sandy desert.

桑迪昨天把这张贺卡给了我。Sandy gave this card to me yesterday.

西蒙的桔汁比桑迪的少。Simon has less orange juice than Sandy.

液体渗过沙土。The liquid filtered through sandy soil.

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蜗牛在沙径上缓慢爬行。The snail dawdled along the sandy path.

那匹马沿著沙路慢跑。The horse cantered along the sandy path.

你跟珊蒂康威尔是好朋友?You're good friends with Sandy Cranwell?

克拉克先生和桑迪与她热情握手。Mr Clark and Sandy shook her hand warmly.

桑迪和苏正朝比利家走去。Sandy and Sue are going to Billy's house.

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我比较喜欢沙滩而不太喜欢铺满卵石的海滩。I prefer a sandy beach to a shingly beach.

后来,桑迪发现是一种蠕虫病毒。Later, Sandy found out it was a wom virus.

水正从沙土中渗出。Water is straining through the sandy soil.