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为什么我最进老失眠馁?Why I most putrid into old insomnia?

吃了腐败的食物容易生病。To eat putrid food is liable to get sick.

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你是想用那讨厌的气味把我们窒息死吧?。Are you trying to suffocate us with that putrid smell?

腐烂的肉类腐烂的气味充斥走廊。The putrid odor of rotting meat flooded the corridors.

你们提供给我们的晚餐竟然是一些腐烂的不能食用的食物。We were given some putrid food as a dinner. It was not edible.

晚上因为太冷而难以入睡。At night, it was too cold to sleep.He said, “The water was putrid.

今天我坐在火车上,旁边一直有股奇怪的味道。Today, I was sitting on the train wondering what that putrid smell was.

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板栗腐烂由生理病变和微生物侵染所致。Physiological diseases and microbial infection make Chinese chestnut putrid.

尸体居住于刷子,他们的腐败遗骸由土地吞下了整体。Carcasses populate the brush, their putrid remains swallowed whole by the land.

牛和狗为了啃一口肮脏的的人尸而打架。Crows and dogs fight each other for the right to gnaw on a putrid human corpse.

很快这个欺骗者的臭名远播,便没有顾客了。Soon there will be no more customers as the cheater's putrid reputation becomes known.

他倾曳出了腐臭蛭,不够理想,但是也没什么值得抱怨的了。He revealed?Putrid Leech. Not as exciting, but a free Leech was nothing to complain about.

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很快这个欺骗者的臭名远播,便没有顾客了。Soon there will be a real dearth of customers as the cheater's putrid reputation becomes known.

给他们吃的是腐败的肉,而且不给水喝,因此,他们就严重病倒了。They were fed putrid meat, and given little water, as a result of which, they fell seriously ill.

最终消化蛋白质的细菌成为优势菌,结果是出现腐败味和苦味。Eventually protein-digesting bacteria become active, resulting in a putrid odor and bitter flavor.

这时天空突然阴云密布,刺鼻的硫磺味和死鱼的腐臭味随风而来。But now the clouds clamped down and a sharp scent of sulfur and putrid fish wafted on a dank puff of air.

河海里的水已变得漆黑,各种废水还在不断向其中排放。The water in the rivers and seas has turned pitch-black, yet putrid waste water keeps emptying into them.

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即使牙齿看上去很完美,呼出腐臭的气味也可能是急性坏死性牙周炎的迹象。Putrid smelling breath – even if the teeth look perfect – can be a sign of acute necrotising periodontitis.

但是台州的居民和工人们对当地被污染的水、空气和腐臭的土地早已怨声载道。But residents and workers in Taizhou have long complained about water, air and fields putrid with pollution.

在城市的郊区,烟囱向周围的薄雾喷出碳和硫磺。On the outskirts of the city, smokestacks belched carbon and sulfur into the putrid mist that enveloped them.