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大的腺状肿需要治疗么?Do large adenoids require treatment?

对治疗腺样体肿大有别的治疗方法吗?Is there any other way of treating adenoids?

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肿大腺样体的摘除是通过从口腔进行的。Removal of the adenoids is carried out via the mouth.

任何医疗对扁桃体肥大都没有效果。No medical treatment has any effect on large adenoids.

扁桃腺肥大可能会限制孩子的呼吸。Enlarged adenoids may restrict the breathing of children.

咽扁桃体的肥大称为腺状肿大。Hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsils is called adenoids.

这是更经常看到一个鼻中隔偏曲或扩大腺样体。This is more often seen with a deviated septum or enlarged adenoids.

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腺样体可以防止细菌入侵,但也很容易肿大和感染。Adenoids trap bacteria, but they're also prone to swelling and infection.

没有证据显示除去小孩的腺状肿会带来别的病症。There is no evidence that removing children's adenoids causes any problems.

这就是位于舌头和腺底部的右和左扁桃体。These are the right and left tonsils, the base of the tongue and the adenoids.

在这种情况下,有效的治疗手段就是进行扁桃体和淋巴腺的切除。In these cases the removal of the tonsils or adenoids can be an effective treatment.

扁桃腺肿大的儿童可能反复急性支气管炎发作。Children with enlarged tonsils and adenoids may have repeated episodes of bronchitis.

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例如,有些人必须消除过敏原或扩大腺样删除。For instance, some people must eliminate allergens or have enlarged adenoids removed.

有些时候大扁桃体联合着中耳炎的发展。In some cases large adenoids are associated with the development of fluid in the middle ear.

腺样体在软腭的上面,软腭在讲话时帮助关闭鼻腔。The adenoids lie above the soft palate, a structure that helps close the nose during speech.

腺样体肥大在儿童很常见,因为儿童的免疫系统在发育中。Enlargement of the adenoids is common in children because of their developing immune systems.

在大多数情况下腺肿大可以放着不用治疗是因为随着孩子的成长它们会逐渐变小。In most cases large adenoids can be left alone as they will become smaller as the child gets older.

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结论本综合疗法可有效治疗腺样体残体伴复发性分泌性中耳炎。Conclusion Combined therapy is effective for treating recurrent secretory otitis media with residual adenoids.

目的观察综合疗法对腺样体残体伴复发性分泌性中耳炎的治疗效果。Objective To explore the effects of combined therapy for recurrent secretory otitis media with residual adenoids.

医生也将检查大小的腺样体,以看看他们是否异常扩大和阻塞咽鼓管。The doctor will also check the size of the adenoids to see if they are unusually enlarged and blocking the Eustachian tube.