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但是,他还是解开了袋子。But untie it he did.

我解不开这个结。I can't untie this knot.

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是我的父母把我解开的。My parents had to untie me.

别剪断绳子,把结解开。Don't cut the string, untie the knots.

凯德好姊姊,请你松开我的手吧。I prithee , sister Kate, untie my hands.

我的手指麻木了,解不开结。My dead fingers could not untie the knot.

我的手指麻木了,解不开那结。My dead fingers could not untie the knot.

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解结之前先将绳索放松。Slack the rope before trying to untie the knot.

别急著去打一个你解不开的结。Don't be in a hurry to tie what you cannot untie.

坎塔是个马萨伊女孩,她会系领带也会解领带。Kanta is a masai girl. She can tie a tie and untie a tie.

把绳子放松下,太紧了,我好把船划走。Please cut me some slack in the rope so I can untie the boat.

张晶晶的一句话解开了记者心头的疑惑。Untie sentence Zhang Jingjing puzzled the minds of reporters.

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但是,其中一名男子动手给凯文松绑,另一名捉住了泰瑞。Yet when one starts to untie Kevin the other takes Teri hostage.

你认为很难解开的那个结,有人比你更早解开呢。The knot which you thought a Gordian one will untie it before you.

把绳子解开,把吊桶提到马车上去,让他们也喝一点。Untie the knot and take the bucket to the wagon and give them some.

然后你可以打个结,如果够长的话就打八字结,因为之后比较好解。If you have enough, tie in a figure-8 cos'it's easier to untie later.

“把这捆木棒解开,”父亲说道,“然后每人拿一根。”"Untie the faggots, " said the father, "and each of you take a stick.

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我本害怕嘲人,直到我学会如何自我解嘲。I was afraid of being ridiculed , till I learn how to untie it myself.

在劝说布格和自己结成同盟之后,它们的生活都开始发生了翻天覆地的变化。After he persuades Boog to untie him, both of their lives change great.

你以为是死结的乱麻,将在你面前自行理清脉络。The knot which you thought a Gordian one, will untie itself before you.