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其中一位是博士后马克·卡普里奥One is a Postdoctoral Fellow, Mark Caprio.

她现在是华盛顿大学的博士后。She is now a postdoctoral fellow at Washington University.

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成富智是康乃尔大学博士后研究员。Fuzhi Cheng is a postdoctoral fellow at Cornell University.

Manfredsson说,他是弗多里达大学神经学的博士后。Manfredsson, a postdoctoral associate in UF's department of neuroscience.

一大批研究生和博士后帮他进行实验。A fleet of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows conducted the research.

2008年10月,安惠公司成为博士后科研工作分站。In October of 2008, Alphay became the substation of postdoctoral scientific research.

有大气科学领域博士后研究的经验优先考虑。Postdoctoral research experience in the field of atmospheric science is a definite advantage.

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1990年赴加拿大蒙特利尔大学进行博士后研究。Lou Bailiang had undertaken postdoctoral research in Montreal University in Canada since 1990.

一个在华盛顿大学的有博士后学位的研究性科学家说,他领导了这一研究。Monahan, a postdoctoral research scientist at the University of Washington, who led the study.

博士后站已经构建在所有的三个一流学科对中医学院。Postdoctoral stations have been sep up in all of the 3 first-class subjects of TCM in the Academy.

我们意识到这样一个危机,我们在以博士后研究助手的开支资助那些学生。We saw a risk that we would be funding students at the expense of postdoctoral research assistants.

基里斯杜法.尤灵斯是凯洛格幅射实验室的博士后研究员,他是加拿大人。Christopher Jillings is the postdoctoral fellow of the Kellogg Radiation Laboratory. He is Canadian.

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中博士后1人,博士2人,余均为资深行业科技人才。Postdoctoral one of them, 2 doctors, and the rest are experienced industry technology professionals.

现拥有法语语言文学硕士点、博士点、并设立博士后流动站。Have French language Master of Arts now dot, doctoral degree program, create postdoctoral flow station.

在实验室中有个博士后--我叫他亨利--大部分的令人震惊的研究成果都是由他做出来的。A certain postdoctoral fellow in the lab--I'll call him Henry--was getting most of the fabulous results.

我的博士后生涯在神经系统科学研究中度过,大脑的发展过程对我尤其具有吸引力。Having spent my postdoctoral career in neuroscience, brain development is particularly fascinating to me.

Goudriaan说,她是阿姆斯特丹大学的博士后研究员,也是该项研究的通讯作者。Goudriaan, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Amsterdam and corresponding author for the study.

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在流动站或工作站从事研究工作的人员称为博士后研究人员。The persons who engage in research in mobile stations or work stations are called postdoctoral researchers.

1999年至2000年在美国阿肯色医科大学进行博士后研究。现任北京天坛医院副院长。Wang Yongjun took his postdoctoral research in University of Arkansas, the US, for Medical Science from 1999 to 2000.

程博士在瑞典进行博士后训练时写和投的此稿,并未通知我们。Dr Cheng wrote and submitted this manuscript during his postdoctoral training in Sweden without informing our institution.