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一个人类的新时代正在出现。A new age for mankind is dawning.

我们出发时天刚破晓。The day was dawning when we set out.

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我看到一轮曈昽的红日在冉冉升起。I saw a red dawning sun rising slowly.

毫无疑问,这是一个黎明破晓的崭新时代。It is certainly a dawning of a new era.

一个新的经济秩序初现曙光。A new financial order is clearly dawning.

我将静待黎明时分的狂喜Serene to wait the rapture of its dawning

这似乎标志着某个新的水时代即将到来。It seemed to mark the dawning of some new aqueous age.

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我看到希望的表情降临到了康沃和克里斯的脸上。I saw hope dawning on the faces of Cornwallis and Krishna.

然而,曙光只是使用这种技术作为跳板。However, Dawning is using that technology as a springboard.

事实就是,黎明之光就要到来,因为你们走到了一起,重新声明了你们所拥有的一切。This fact is dawning on you as you come together to reclaim what is yours.

弗朗西斯•百内基看到了美国气候政策发生巨变的曙光。Frances Beinecke sees the dawning of a dramatic change in US policy on climate.

然而G20会议并不意味着着全球合作新时代的到来.Yet it did not feel in Gyeongju that a new era in global cooperation was dawning.

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我就知道你会这样,我会在我们的黎明来临时呼叫你的。I though you would see it my way. I will call for you when the dawning is upon us.

但在宫廷内部,人们已渐渐意识到变化将至。Within palace circles, however, there is a dawning realisation that change is coming.

矮人发现了他们是在世界刚有曙光的那一刻被泰坦创造的证据。Dwarves discover evidence that they were created by the Titans in the World's dawning.

天色渐亮以后,在“胡德”号上可以判明敌舰正在西北十七哩的海域。In the Hood as day was dawning the enemy was discerned seventeen miles to the northwest.

她渐渐地开始独立,这使她更加有勇气冷眼旁观,她觉得自己很想说些难听的话。Her dawning independence gave her more courage to observe, and she felt as if she wanted to say things.

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他的脸上泛着同样亲切的表情,他们的表情中仿佛都呈现出一种不可言喻的微笑。He has the same sweetness of look, as though upon each countenance an ineffable smile were just dawning.

除了那在你知识的曙光中半醒半睡的事物之外,没有人能够教给你些什么。No man can reveal to you aught but that which already lies half asleep in the dawning of your knowledge.

他的脸上浮着同样甜美的神情,好像所有的表情中都呈现出一种不可言喻的微笑。He has the same sweetness of look, as thought upon each countenance an ineffable smile were just dawning.