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看涨行情结束标志一个新的上升趋势和买入点的出现。That bullish close signals a new uptrend and long entry.

新的上升趋势的发展面临着许多阻力障碍。The development of a new uptrend faces many resistance barriers.

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回撤到2370点到2400点之间的支撑位说明上升趋势的强度很弱。A retreat to support near 2370-2400 indicates the uptrend is weak.

交易者们寻找以下这些特征确定一次新的有力的上升趋势的形成。Traders look for these features to confirm the development of a strong new uptrend.

在那时候,市场从支撑位处反弹并形成一个新的强力上升趋势。In this period the market rebounded from the support level and developed a new strong uptrend.

由于不能在利多消息情况下收涨,这对于上升趋势中的风险资产而言是一个凶兆。It is a bad sign for an uptrend in risk assets when they fail to rally on what should be positive news.

随着油价形成了一个盘整形态,存在着对于价格可能会形成一个新的上升趋势的恐惧。With the oil price developing a consolidation pattern there are fears the price may develop a new uptrend.

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当均线和MACD柱上涨,它表明多头在嚎叫,上涨在加速。When both the EMA and MACD-Histogram rise, they show that bulls are roaring and the uptrend is accelerating.

我们将会看到的,尽管很快就会发生什么,下降趋势线的上升趋势线满足在几天内完成。We will see something happen soon though as the downtrend line and the uptrend line meet in the next few days.

不过正如上面提到的,大盘可能一路跌向50日均线,暂时还不会改变中期上升趋势。Although, as noted above, the market can drop all the way to the 50-day moving average and still be in an uptrend.

除了作为市场的的情雨表外,龙头也通常是上涨幅度最大的股票。Besides acting as market bellwethers , these leaders are usually the ones that make the best gains of the uptrend.

要是能突破过去几周确立的重大阻力位,标普或可延续4个月来的上涨行情。The S&P may extend its 4-month uptrend should it advance above major resistance level established in the past weeks.

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很有可能出现的结果是上升趋势将继续,其间,价格在趋势线C的位置附近上下反复。The high probability outcome is a continuation of the uptrend with prices clustering near the value of trend line C.

当指数可以运行到2370点到2400点附近的阻力位以上的时候,这次反弹就发展成一次新的上升趋势。This rally behaviour developed into a new uptrend when it was able to move above the resistance level near 2370-2400.

在美国经济前景没有变化的情况下,欧元处于稳定的上升趋势.美国数据只是稍有好转.The euro is in a steady uptrend with no change in outlook for the U.S. economy. The U.S. data is only a little better.

我国的刑释人员重新犯罪率从上世纪八十年代至今一直呈上升趋势。Since the 1980s, the rate of relapse into crime by ex-convict personnel in our country has been in the uptrend all the time.

在美联储宣布重启购买公债计划后,市场起初出现波动,但近期股市上行,美元下跌的势头收盘时仍未改变.Market reaction was initially volatile but at the end of the day left the recent uptrend in stocks and downtrend in the U.S. dollar intact.

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假如市场收益没有让你更加忐忑不安,那肯定是因为在漫漫熊途之中会有一段为时不短的升势。If the market's gains aren't making you less queasy, maybe it's because a lengthy uptrend can happen within an even longer bear market cycle.

它不会花太多力气发岀货币上升趋势将会持续一个星期或者高点已经出现的讯号。It wouldn't take too much strength to signal that the uptrend in the currencies will be extended for another week or so before a peak is seen.

但是,如果欧元仍稳定的守在支撑区以上,则涨势可能延续至六月初或多几个星期。However, if the euro manages to stabilize around current levels then the uptrend will be extended into early June and up to several weeks longer.