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一字不漏地他的军队开始工艺解决这一问题。Dutifully his troops began to craft a solution.

橡胶圈很难按照大小排序,那客户提案呢?The rubber bands get dutifully sorted by size, but that client proposal?

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在每封信件上,他都敢做敢当地写上了自己的地址——德克萨斯州一个监狱的牢房。He dutifully wrote his return address, a Texas state prison cell, on each envelope.

最后我又从待处理品堆里留了一件,很自觉地把剩余的都处理掉了。Eventually I saved one item from the maybe pile, and dutifully did away with the rest.

这位无形的父亲提供灵感,儿子则恪尽职守的将其一一落实。The invisible father provides the inspiration, and the son dutifully gets the job done.

每当他开口,他的话就被一字不漏地记下来,并在中国的媒体上报道。When he opens his mouth, his words are dutifully recorded and reported in the Chinese media.

许多人也已经指出,吉福兹在遭到枪击时正恪守职责会见选民。Many have also noted that Giffords was dutifully meeting with constituents when she was shot.

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一个世纪以来,科学家始终坚持尝试寻找它们的天然栖息地,但是都失败了。For a century, scientists dutifully attempted to observe it in its natural habitat, but failed.

当天晚上,Doris正在给模特准备澡盆,Fred一如既往的出去参加飞镖比赛。That evening, Fred dutifully went to his darts match while Doris prepared the bath for the model.

法官的目光扫开去,同时望着那位年轻的辩护律师,后者正尽职地守在当事人身旁。The judge's gaze shifted to include the young defense counsel, waiting dutifully beside his client.

当我们老老实实地在跑步前或另外的锻炼前做下伸展运动,我们的肌肉和肌腱会发生什么变化呢?What happens to our muscles and tendons, then, when we dutifully stretch before a run or other workout?

我有条不紊地解释为什么每个线索都透露得太多,我丈夫就尽职地划去一些词。As I methodically explained why each clue revealed too much, my husband dutifully crossed out the words.

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伯爵夫人衷心赞美了这些图案,但是对于女王应该选择哪一个却不置可否。The Countess dutifully admired the pictures, but offered no opinion as to which the Queen should choose.

因此,陆龟的妻子就恭顺地拿出了丈夫的锄头、刀子、矛头、手枪、甚至他的大炮。And so Tortoise's wife dutifully brought out her husband's hoes, knives, spears, guns, and even his cannon.

每一个富有国家都有责任签订新千年发展目标,并成承诺到2015年前将世界饥饿人口数目降至现在的一半。Every rich country dutifully signed up to the millennium development goals and pledged to halve world hunger by 2015.

然而,所有的参赛者们都认为这样的机会将是他们一生中最为灿烂的经历。Nevertheless, all the contestants dutifully averred that such an opportunity would be the highlight of their existence.

30多年过去了,小电机的移动远远超过了500万步,至今仍在恪尽职守地一步一步移动,每192秒移动一次。Over 30 years on and after well over 5 million steps the little motor is still stepping dutifully once every 192 seconds.

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这么多年以来,当我们近乎忠实地摄入水果和蔬菜时,一件奇怪的事情已经发生在这些食品上。While we've been dutifully eating our fruits and vegetables all these years, a strange thing has been happening to our produce.

图灵夫人总是送他一些更实用的礼物,但他却有自己的想法。The Turings usually dutifully exchanged more useful and improving presents. But he had his way, and Porgy the bear was installed.

我们仔细地用硬板纸裁出吓人的东西,把我自己的艺术作品用胶水粘合起来,虽然它们着实不怎么样。We dutifully cut out scary things from construction paper and glued together our own artistic efforts, pitiable though they were.